It was freaky how many of us were in sync at one point.
I know, right? I think I was the alpha for a while, but I know I'm not any more. S'okay.
The episode of
What Not to Wear
that's on right now is a Bitch's nightmare -- Stacy and Clinton are getting rid of all of this girl's pink clothes and glitter.
all of this girl's pink clothes and glitter.
I know this is blasphemy, but I do believe you can have too much of a good thing (this, of course, not knowing just how much pink the person actually had in their wardrobe.) Although, some would say it's strictly up to personal taste, like the amount of garlic that is "too much." For some, such as myself, there can never be too much garlic. There can, however, be too much pink/glitter. And my belief is that amount is an absolute. I'm willing to bet Jilli would back me up on that.
I'm fairly certain that Jilli would answer "no such thing" to the notion of too much glitter.
Pete, OTOH...
Steph! RygOhm. Doesn't he just look like the Dominar?
I bow to greater authority. (And, I'm a great one to talk. My new LJ layout is pretty heavy in the pink department right now.)
My middle name is Anne and some of my relatives still spell it "Ann" on my birthday cards.
I can trump that. Some of
relatives still spell my husband's name "Dillon." Never mind that we've been married for over five years and they've seen it written out as "Dylan" any number of times.
Also, a link just for billytea. I saw it in the newspaper earlier in the week, but didn't think to check for it online then.
"What's New with the Kangaroo?"
Steph! RygOhm. Doesn't he just look like the Dominar?
Ahahahahha!!! He totally does!
I'm catching up on a week's worth of news.
Could somebody slap the conspiracy nuts upside the head? You'd have to have a 350+ megaton nuclear bomb to cause a 9.0 level earthquake. Plus to simulate the aftershocks, you'd have to use many many more smaller ones...
Not that I wouldn't put it past Bush & co to test a nuclear bomb, but in this case the size and logistics and pointlessness goes far beyond the mundane stupidity and evil of the current administration and maybe more than the comic book fantasy realm.
{{{Cass}}} Vent as much as you need to, here and elsewhere. Just doing it is the point -- getting it out.
Okay, today I have:
- closed the joint bank account (really thought I did that a while back but guess that was another thing I let slip.)
- gotten copies of my last statements on all of my accounts
- actually found my life insurance paperwork
- conspired with DxH to hide our stock assets because it is a small account and neither of us can find the paperwork
- gathered the rest of my paperwork for tomorrow's atty sit-down
- rejoined my gym
- bought a battery for my camera
- took a vitamin
- not cried even once so far
What I still have to do:
- wait for DxH to show up here in
a half hour or so five minutes to drop off his paperwork so that tomorrow can hopefully finish up everything in the divorce
- and a car insurance card for me cause I don't seem to have one in the car
- go through his stuff in the garage and make sure there is nothing else in the house that he wants
- work out when he's going to get said things to his place so they can be moved to Dallas when he goes
What I am doing after that:
- collapsing in a hot bath and crying my eyes out
- likely napping
Today the paperwork prep, tomorrow the paperwork and settlement agreement, Monday the Big Monster Problem That Shall Not Be Named can be dealt with again.
Okay, now I am crying. Just a little.
Back later to report most likely...
t /my problems, for a while
I'm a sj/Teacup Dude shipper now.
4Evaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!1! (He sounds really great.)
t wants desperately to be able to do something for Cass
I'm not really here. I'm working at Panera on an essay and avoiding my schoolwork, but I just popped on the board and saw that post. Just needed to again tell you how much I love and admire you and want all the best for you. I'm so, so sorry, hon.