Woo Hoo, -t!!!! That's fabulous! Now, get a cush job at an insurance company post haste. *g*
If you thought I was vain just for me, I am impossible to live with when it come to Emeline. ita put it right: I am beside myself.
Aimee, you will never get tired of hearing how gorgeous Emeline is. And we will never get tired of telling you how gorgeous she is. Needless to say, this arrangement works for everyone. Because really, drop. dead. beautiful. baby.
Emeline is soo beautiful!!
Happy Birthday MM!!!
Congrats -t
And I got my hair cut today. I really like the cut but it screams out for color so after I get paid I'm going to figure out something interesting.
Oh, askye, I like it! What are you thinking of for color?
I had a picture of a similiar cut that's two shades of red with blonde highlights. I don't think I'm going to that extreme, but maybe some kind of red and blonde.
askye, love the cut. As many shades of red as you're willing to play with! All at once. That cut just calls out for multiple colors.
Ladies! (and some gents) Start your engines!
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Hollywood power couple Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston have separated after 4 1/2 years of marriage but remain "committed and caring friends," the couple said on Friday.
And just because the Enquirer and Star have been saying this for months, we shouldn't believe them? Every now and then, they gotta get something right. Even about Elvis.
Ali, that's a superb cut on you. It really works.
Me off to the southlands...
Thanks deb! I can't wait to see your new look.
I'm taping it on Monday and as soon as I get home I'll watch it. Plus I'm showing it to Mom, she's seen still photos, but it's entirely different to see my "imaginary friends" in action.
Woo hoo -t! Woo hoo sj! Love the cut, Ali. Gorgeous baby, Aimee and MM!