Thanks y'all! I'm grinning like crazy and trying to figure out how to celebrate approriately. I completely failed to plan that part...
(eta: I passed the Course 1 Actuarial Exam, step one in the long road to learning the secret actuarial hand shake)
-t, that's great! I recommend a bonfire of your study materials, paired with a nice red wine.
Aimée, you have a lovely daughter. We are all in thrall.
YAY -t!!!!!!
Huh. Should have checked in here before answering Aimee's question in NAtter.
ION, ow.
yay, -t!
Insent to Jen with P-C's address.
Jilli, I would gladly pay postage and/or anything else for a mix cd of your choosing. Would you like a frankincense soap or bath bomb? Something else? My second and third born? Though, if you take them, I don't need the cd.
Thanks so much for sharing my triumphant news. It's even better knowing such fine people are happy for me.
I recommend a bonfire of your study materials, paired with a nice red wine.
As appealing as that sounds, I keep all my study materials in file boxes. The red wine might be a go, however.
Pain, leave juliana alone!
I keep all my study materials in file boxes.
-t, there is no romance in that.
There would be if Willow was reading it.
-t, there is no romance in that.
Not even if I file them by candlelight with Barry White on the stereo?
Not that I do that...usually.