The cost? $202/week. I about choked on something when I found out. I wish I had some actor friends that would nanny for us.
See, that's WAY cheaper than the one we'll try getting on the waitlist for if we try getting on a waitlist for anything (I am unclear if you can waitlist with this one before the baby is born, but am leaving any and all form-filling-out to Paul).
since I'm the one who gets the benefits....
t nods furiously
Also, please tell MM
Happy Birthday
for me. Any special plans? Are the zombies baking a cake? (I would not recommend eating it, if so.)
Erika, I can't remember what thread you menationed it, but I wanted to say how much I loved and miss The Job. And I will watch the Wire on On Demand as soon as it becomes available, or rent the DVDs if that's taking too long.
We are looking at a daycare place and having sketti.
And later, I'll pump my breast. Fun fun fun.
Oh, it's MM's birthday? How did I miss this? World-dominating birthday to the MM.-t,cool. I don't remember if I was talking about Denis Leary or police work in general, since that's always The Job. But I like both of them so whatever. Somebody wants me to do a Homicide/Wire/Rescue Me crossover fic...I must be bogarting all the grit and profanity in lj-land.
Whee! I made a "Wire" conversion. I get a disposable cell a little while that'll make sense, but, anyway, it's not a toaster show, so one does what one can. If you like what you see tell The Man, ok?
As far as DVD's, if you rent season one now, you won't have to wait long to know what happens, season 2 is out at the end of the month.
Gods, Empress, that price is nearly half my monthly rent. OK, slum apartment in student ghetto, but still.
Had a faux-Philly cheese steak for lunch, now I've got steak bits between my teeth. They asked me if I wanted mayo on my cheese steak! Bad enough you've got to tell them "No peppers! No! Really! You're allowed to make it without peppers!"
Plei, try to get on the waitlist before the baby is born, if you can. It sounds crazy, but it does help.
Part of why we went with USC over UCLA for daycare was that both had year-long waiting lists, but at USC you could get on the list before the baby was born. Not at UCLA. Also there was the whole costing half as much thing, which was pretty much the clincher.
Plei, try to get on the waitlist before the baby is born, if you can. It sounds crazy, but it does help.
I think we'll discuss the options this weekend and see what all we can do. Daycare is in short supply (especially for infants) and often poor-quality in Washington State, so it's driving us nuts thinking about it. We have limited, expensive options, and no idea *when* we'd be needing it, on account of the uncertainty around me getting/having a job.
Also, we were out of all but instant oatmeal. So my oatmeal was a poor substitute for the real thing. Hmm. Still wanting cocoa.