Mmmmmmmmm. Champagne. Or Prosecco. Mmmmmmmmmmmm.
I've noticed two trends in redheads. Either they go pinky/peach, like my mother's friend Molly, or they go weird dark steel like my Uncle Eric.
I am doing both, and it blows dead bears. Also? My hair isn't coming in individual pink strands, it's coming in in steely pinky splotches.
Not enough "no frellin' WAY" in the world. Especially since my mother, with gorgeous natural ravens wing blue-black Welsh hair, was silver at 28.
Mmmmmmmmm. Champagne. Or Prosecco. Mmmmmmmmmmmm.
I think that's actually what I'm gonna get...Prosecco, that is. I haven't had it, but I've heard such good things about it.
My sister Deb, who is 43, has light, golden red hair. It's turning silver now. My sister Kim, who is 44 has bright, burgundy red hair that is turning white. My father's hair was carrot red and reached a nice, silvery gray.
I started finding some grey hairs when I was 19. It's still not anything really noticable, but I find a few every once in a while. If it follows the same pattern as my father's hair did (my coloring is pretty much identical to his, so I'm guessing it will) it'll get salt-and-peppery within the next 10 or 15 years or so, which I can live with.
Does anyone here know a He added me to his MSN IM list.
I assume it's dcp. I don't think he posts in Bitches, but I can't keep the threads straight anymore.
Kristin!!! How are you? Did you get a snow day today?