Deena, I like that.
I'm still trying to track down the Alien Cat fanfic that she always rants about, to possibly quote part of that. But, I'm about to give up and just order the damn thing. I know she's gonna love the gift. I have no idea why I'm stressing about this part so much.
This quote reminds me of Emily:
It's the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter. -- Marlene Dietrich
RE: Yates case
Yates' lawyers argued last month before a three-judge panel of the First Court of Appeals in Houston that psychiatrist Park Dietz was wrong when he said he consulted on an episode of the TV show "Law and Order" involving a woman found innocent by reason of insanity for drowning her children.
After Yates was convicted, attorneys in the case and jurors learned no such episode existed, the AP reported.
Umm. The psychiatrist used a L&O episode as research, and the wrong part is that the episode didn't really exist? Was this the Lionel Hutz of shrinks, or is this common?
Timelies all! I got to meet Libkitty last night - and visit with Beth B & DH, Sparky & DH, Java, Katie B, and JZ. It was a VERY nice evening.
Umm. The psychiatrist used a L&O episode as research, and the wrong part is that the episode didn't really exist? Was this the Lionel Hutz of shrinks, or is this common?
I think it means something a little different. It sounds like the shrink claimed to have worked as a consultant (that's what they mean by consulted on--not that he looked to the show for info, but rather, that he alleged he'd provided the show with info) on an episode, but couldn't have, because no such episode existed.
The psychiatrist used a L&O episode as research, and the wrong part is that the episode didn't really exist?
He didn't use it as research, he used it to show that he knew what he was talking about (questionable) and to suggest that Yates plotted the whole thing after seeing the episode (impossible). I think "wrong" is a very generous word for what this psychiatrist said.
Brenda posted a better article than the one I found over in Natter. I shouldn't read things before coffee. Here's a better clip.
Dr. Park Dietz, presented false testimony when he said Yates may have been influenced by an episode of the "Law & Order" television program. Such an episode did not exist.
Must. Find. Coffee.
{{{Deena's back}}} And the rest of her.
Welcome, Bells!
It sounds like the shrink claimed to have worked as a consultant ... on an episode, but couldn't have, because no such episode existed.
Even if he consulted on an episode that was subsequently not filmed (in other words, consulted on a script), I'm not sure why he thought this would have been valuable. Either you know something about matricide or you don't. Asshat. I just can't believe he thought he would get away with a lie like that.
Even if he consulted on an episode that was subsequently not filmed (in other words, consulted on a script), I'm not sure why he thought this would have been valuable. Either you know something about matricide or you don't. Asshat. I just can't believe he thought he would get away with a lie like that.
Trying again.
In other words, the shrink testified to something like this:
I gave shrinky info to Law and Order writers. L&O writers wrote an episode where a woman killed her kids, and was not convicted, because she was deemed insane. Yates watched the episode, and got the idea to kill her kids and then pretend she was insane, in order to get off.
In other other words, the shrink (a witness for the prosecution) made Yates look like she was copying a TV show, and this influenced the jurors in assessing her case. But apparently in fact, there was no such episode Yates could have copied.
I hope this helps. The whole thing (esp. the original killings) is so horrible, I can't read too much about it, but I believe I've covered this latest development.
there was no such episode Yates could have copied
Got it. I thought... well, it doesn't matter. Either way, hello? Lying under oath much?
vw, what about this?
"A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature." Ralph Waldo Emerson