Fun, irrelevant health information from Connie. Whee!
Remember my ill-starred attempt to kick caffeine? Or at least cut way back? Remember the damned blood pressure pills that knock me flat when I take them?
Guess what counteracts them? See, I was trying to replace the high-test diet Coke at lunch with caffeine-free. I'd been wondering why the morning pill doesn't knock me down, and a light went on.
So I'm not going off the caffeine. The blood-pressure-raising thing counteracts the side effects of lowering the blood pressure. This makes sense in some dimension, I'm sure.
VW, I honestly think firebombing the insurance company would be a lot better strategic move....
expects the firebombing of an insurance company.
t thinks
They really should actually...
Thanks Susan.
They really should actually...
They really should. Or at least the section that sets policy.
AmyLiz, I hope he keeps it up. It could be that he's just fascinated by the new textures for now.
It's scary as fuck.
It's my worst nightmare, Hec.
Yeah, that story, shitty and depressing. Not going to leave that up.
Of course, I came pretty close to being killed by a bay leaf when I was in my 30s.
Of all the many accident-prone Buffistas, you and Hil worry me the most.
Annabel has her 9-month appointment on Friday, and I think I'm going to ask if I'm bringing her along fast enough then. I think sometimes I get into a rut, which would work fine if she weren't growing and changing so fast, but she is. For example, I've tried two versions of sippy cup, and she's not much interested in either. I think they're too slow-flowing or something. Rather than look for yet another version to try, I just dropped it altogether, because I didn't feel like dealing with Target or Babies R Us in December. But I'm starting to feel like I'm putting my baby on the slow track when she ought to be on the fast track because it's easier for me.
I think Ginger has Hil beat. Now maybe, that's because Hil is pretty young. But each time I read a story, I think this is the last, and isn't.
Of all the many accident-prone Buffistas, you and Hil worry me the most.
Hey! Just 'cause I got injured by a bagel ... and twisted my ankle while sitting down ... well, OK, fair point.
It's really pretty hard to screw up raising a baby; they're more resilient than people give them credit for.
For instance, most Americans between, say, 40 and 60 were bottle-fed, and they came out just fine. Some of them were raised in an era when the best medical advice said not to touch the baby unless you were feeding or changing it. Others were raised in an era when you were a Refrigerator Mother if you didn't leap to the baby's every need.
And still, overall? Doing just fine.