If a person were so foolish as to forget there was broken glass in the kitchen trash can and therefore acquire a small but persistently bleedy cut in her hand (specifically, the part of the palm that moves when you waggle your thumb), how worried should she be about it? The bleeding actually finally stopped while I was typing this, ten minutes or so after the injury, but it still stings like hell. Is my tetanus booster still valid after eight years?
I've actually done this so you're in good company. I also managed to slice my thumb once with a utility knife once that severed the nerves (they run up the sides of every digit) and that HURTS! I still have some residual numbness on that thumb. The hand has lots of nerve endings in general so it will hurt more than seems necessary. I hope it heals quickly for you and hurts less. You might try regular gauze wrapped around the hand and secured with tape instead of a bandaid.
Anyone got one of them gmail invites that I might have?
Ah, too late once more to unload one of mine. *g*
In food news, Owen LOVES LOVES LOVES cubed, cooked veggies and grapes. He literally stuffs his little mouth with them. Makes me panic all the way through the meal worrying he's going to choke. I have to dole them out a little bit at a time on the tray so he doesn't get ahead of himself.
Makes me panic all the way through the meal worrying he's going to choke.
Yeah, do watch that. Emmett had three choking episodes as an infant and they're all kind of heart stopping (for the parent). Small pieces please, and portion control.
Phoenix ate my post. I totally forgot to copy before I posted too.
Oh vw, not as a "strategic move..." (((vw))) Bad shrink, no biscuit.
Ah, too late once more to unload one of mine. *g*
Next time I find I need a new mail that can handle big-ass attachments, I am coming to you first Cashmere.
Owen stories are good. Though now I want grapes.
Small pieces please, and portion control
I walk that fine line between too small to pick up and small enough not to choke. Did you know that you can get about 10 pieces out of a medium sized, seedless grape?
Did you know that you can get about 10 pieces out of a medium sized, seedless grape?
Okay, Owen's more than safe. I think I was content with quartering a grape.
Okay, Owen's more than safe. I think I was content with quartering a grape.
I am a little paranoid, but a close family friend lost his son who choked to death four years ago and that left a mark.
VW, I honestly think firebombing the insurance company would be a lot better strategic move....
Cass, insent
And now I'm a worried mom because Owen is obviously way ahead of Annabel in what solids you're giving him, and I'm afraid I'm being too cautious! Our pediatrician recommends waiting on finger foods until 8 months, so she's only been eating them for a few weeks. So far I've stuck to strictly baby foods like the Gerber fruit puffs, biter biscuits, and zwieback toasts. And Cheerios.
Speaking of which, the girl is due for a feeding....
biter biscuits, and zwieback toasts
So. Damn. Messy.
Try frozen waffles. Whole wheat, if they have them. Cut them up and there you go.
That's wonderful about Owen, Cashmere. Sara was all about the sweet potatoes and green beans, et al, when it was baby food, but cooked pieces, not so much, sadly. She does love apples, bananas, and grapes, though.