Supposedly Pres Bush sent Brother Bush to Asia because of his "experience" with natural disasters (the 4 hurricanes that hit FL). By "experience" I think he means "standing around for photo ops."
There are people in FL who still don't have electricity or don't have relaible electricity.
vw, it was the response to yours, so we're good. Sorry for the chatty ex-boss.
Oh my. I'm sitting here stifling giggles and I don't quite know my co-worker well enough to explain why. The title of the show I'm cataloging (an old Horizon doc about Voyager 2) is called Uranus Encounter.
I am not twelve. I am six.
Am I a horrible person if I wish Jeb picked up some heinous death spore?!
Because I do.Then I will have gotten everything on my list this Christmas!
Jeb's "alive" Ann Coulter ditto.
My dog and Jerry Orbach are not.
No fair!
(shakes fist)
And um, any stat claiming 30% of "babies" were aborted since 1973...bullshit squared, right?
Because I've been seeing these commercials and thinking "No way!"(If you want somebody can support me in e-mail.)
I'm grooving because my daughter met Paul McCartney yesterday. Paul is Her Beatle. She said she "went straight up Ed Sullivan on his ass: deer in the headlights."
Nice to know she reacted to Paul the same way her mama, in 1969-1970, reacted when the man whose hair she'd been brushing in a stoned stupor finally turned around and revealed himself as George Harrison.
Genetically connected.
If a person were so foolish as to forget there was broken glass in the kitchen trash can and therefore acquire a small but persistently bleedy cut in her hand (specifically, the part of the palm that moves when you waggle your thumb), how worried should she be about it? The bleeding actually finally stopped while I was typing this, ten minutes or so after the injury, but it still stings like hell. Is my tetanus booster still valid after eight years?
Off to try to properly sterilize and bandage this thing. Not a spot they make bandaids for, so could be a challenge...
Is my tetanus booster still valid after eight years?
They're good for 10 years. Also, once you clean it (peroxide or alcohol) and put neosporin and a band-aid on it (if it's conducive to a band-aid; that part of the palm may move too much to keep a band-aid on), you should be fine.
t edit
Do you know, I typed all that out without even reading the last sentence of your post, where you clearly state that a band-aid might not work. Duhhhhhh.
Tetanus wouldn't be a danger unless the glass bit had rusty metal attached, would it?
Band-Aid makes these Advanced Healing Bandage thingies that are fantastic for otherwise impossible-to-band-aid places, like heels and palms. And they really work, too, much better than a regular band-aid.