Hil, your poor ankle... What happened?
I'm not entirely sure. I was sitting cross-legged on a chair, and shifted my weight a bit, and my left knee pressed down on my right foot in a way that bent my right ankle way more than it's supposed to bend, and now it hurts. I put an ACE bandage on it and I'm keeping it elevated for now. (That ankle's really weak, and I've twisted it in equally idiotic ways before. )
I hope it is better soon. So sorry your ankle twisted.
I have watched the most disturbing movies tonight. It's like I had a theme or something. I really didn't mean to.
I feel alternately like I must write and that I can't write. Sleep is likely the best choice.
I feel alternately like I must write and that I can't write. Sleep is likely the best choice.
Cass is me. I think I am going to give up and head to bed myself. I really need to go and look at apartments again tommorrow.
I wrote a little. I don't know if it helped yet.
How is the apt hunting going, sj?
For no reason at all, I had a fabulous hair day today. Sick, did nothing of importance, in massive need of a haircut and I had great hair. The world, she mocks me. And I am amused.
Also, vanilla mint toothpaste. What was I thinking?
Did you buy it prior to hitting the ice cream aisle?
Apartment hunting sucks, and I am going to have to end up with something I really cannot afford.
There were just too many choices... I chose poorly I think. I haven't tried it. I think I am scared to try it.
Now I want ice cream.
apt-ma sj. I hope you find something perfect. And affordable.
Thanks, Cass. Off to sleep now, really.
Night, Bitches!
Off to sleep too.
Oooh, tv watched the X-Files pilot for me... Nothing goes with a fever like tv that hasn't betrayed canon yet.
Did I miss everyone?
I need to go to sleep too. It's much too early for me to be this tired, and yet I really am.