All on the same leg, too....
I used to be all asymmetrical that way -- needle removed from right foot; two injuries to the right knee, one resulting in surgery, other thought to be lifelong; threw out back on right side; damaged insertion of right tricep; chipped bone in right shoulder; appendicitis; cyst removed from right breast.
In the past year or so, though, I've near evened out 34 years of bias.
I MUST have a pair of those shoes. Really, really want them.
Which shoes, Cash?
I took Kuma to the vet today. As I was putting the harness and leash on him, Bear kept giving me this look, "Why aren't I going for a walk too?" When I opened the door, she tried to dart out. I was already late, otherwise I would have walked her first and then taken Kuma.
When I got back, I took Bear for a walk.
When we got back to the house, I went into the bathroom. She peed on the floor there to make her displeasure known.
I'm a little tired of the malicious urination.
I am lusting for the Mary Janes, you linked to, Kat.
Sigh. Me too. And lust is all it will be at over $200. Damn.
Shoe lust killed natter D-E-D.
Never underestimate the fatal power of shoe lust.
I need to buy shoes. But probably only replacements for my Montrail trail runners. I realized slipping and sliding on the ice the other week that my present shoes are getting worn at the heels even if the uppers are still OK, and that's increasing the likelihood of falling. So that can stir my cheap soul to do the calculation that paying for new shoes would probably be a lot less expensive than paying doctor's bills for a painful fall.
Tom, I stubbed my toe real real bad (as in painful to walk, swelling, spectacular purple bruise) and asked my insurance's nurse practicioner line what to do -- stay off it for a day, buddy-tape it firmly, ice every two hours. If it doesn't get better after a couple of days, it's a good idea to see a doctor, but for most bad stubs/minor breaks this will save a lot of $$$.
Shoe lust killed natter D-E-D.
I suddenly have billable work to do, for the first time this week. So, you know.... actual work.
Also, I found some mail in the snow that was for the Burger King down the street. I brought them their mail, and the manager was so excited (some of it was important) that he gave me a shitload of Burger King coupons.
So, now I have a bunch of Burger King coupons.
Un, yay?
Never underestimate the fatal power of shoe lust.
I never grokked shoe lust until I lived in a post-imperialist country.
Makes me wanna go back to Praça Rossio just to get some new boots.
I suddenly have billable work to do, for the first time this week.
I have billable work to do. Unfortunately, it involves some gigantor files that take forever and a day to load, and an eternity to rasterize.