Hey, it's the Midwest in January. It could be worse--this all could have started two hours ago and made evening rush hour even more fun!
I just saw in the Tribune that Oak Park wants to have the Eisenhower tunneled from Austin to Harlem. It'll cost $1 billion, but it would add a lot of land to the city and get rid of the separation between north Oak Park and south Oak Park. I love the idea, but my only question is who'll pay for it?
Tom, I hate to out myself as a former Hee Haw watcher to point this out, but I think the first word of that refrain is "gloom."
I am so looking forward to taking a cold shower tomorrow morning before heading out into the freezing weather!
Um. Did you take a shower today? Have you been exercising? It's OK to not shower every day.
It's OK to not shower every day.
I can't function right without a shower in the morning, unless the first thing I'm going to do is get hot and sweaty, in which case I know a shower's coming later. Stuff just doesn't happen as well if I'm not bathed. It's a thing.
Stuff just doesn't happen as well if I'm not bathed. It's a thing.
I definitely hear that, but no hot water? In Michigan? In January? No thanks.
I LIKE to shower everyday, but frankly, now that I have a baby that's a luxury. I figure once I have two babies, people will be lucky if I manage to brush my hair once a day.
I shower before bed. It's one of those religious divides; some people get up and get clean, some people get clean and go to bed. Fortunately, my husband is the former and I'm the latter.
I definitely hear that, but no hot water? In Michigan? In January? No thanks.
Well, okay, I've taken a handful of cold baths and one cold shower in my adult life. Very against the cold. Even in LA in the summer. But that's what makes it an issue -- balancing the temporary intense discomfort, or the lingering disquiet.
Spongebath, or lots of kettling.
I'd sponge bathe with water heated on the stove before willingly going 3 days between showers.