Gross, and yet so intriguing. (But I would NOT, for the record, stick anything ON FIRE in my ear.)
Actually, I tried that, when I had what sounded like water in my ear for 3 months or so. When I finally went to a doc, instead of cleaning, they gave me decongestants which didn't work.
Ear candles? so bizarre.
msbelle, stop with the nails!
I said my piece yesterday, he made no effort to find out the information that he could have by following my advice to walk down the hall and either a) ask the dude with the knowlege or b) attend the goddamned meeting on the subject. Both of which I suggested. Now he is going to look like a moron. And me, by extension, except I can honestly say "not my job to micromanage coworkers."
finishing reservations sounds fun, as does rearranging books in a bag, but getting parking passes figured out? nsm.
perhaps ya'll should have an ear irrigation suite at the f2f this year.
I have stopped, that was my point. I just hadn't realized I had stopped, and THEN, long nails.
I'm looking at Web sites about ear wax removal. Gross, and yet so intriguing. (But I would NOT, for the record, stick anything ON FIRE in my ear.)
I did the ear candling thing once. It cleared my ears, and then I fell horribly ill immediately after with a sinus, ear and throat infection, so I've never considered it since. The falling ill was probably a coincidence, but the blue-painted clansman who lives at the bottom of my brain won't let me forget it.
perhaps ya'll should have an ear irrigation suite at the f2f this year.
Okay. EW. You're gross. That makes you less pink in my book.
am not gross. you're a poopyhead.
you're a poopyhead.
Which, admittedly, is worse than being a waxyhead.
Good morning everybody.
It's not sunny and warm here today, it's cloudy and warm. What am I goint to do?
am not gross. you're a poopyhead.
I'm rubber, you're glue...