I have pink tools. they were a gift and they rawk.
And now I'm jealous of you, too. Did the gifter happen to mention where s/he got them? Seriously. I want pink tools, and amazon and google are giving me no love. My mom mentioned seeing them somewhere, and she was going to buy them for me for Christmas, but then she couldn't remember where, and she can't find them anymore.
pink tools. Not the ones I have, but still pink.
But some online forums are flooded with fans who see HoYay! in almost every scene, even in dramas like "ER," "The West Wing" and "CSI." Hence the need for the HoYay! backlash to begin with "HoNay!" which, as you can probably guess, stands for "Homoeroticism Nay!"
Yes, because there SO needs to be a big backlash to drive away something that's only applied to a handful of shows out of bazillions of hours of primetime TV. Why, if we're not careful, next thing you know Will Truman might get a boyfriend that actually stands next to him in some scenes on Will & Grace!
there SO needs to be a big backlash to drive away something that's only applied to a handful of shows out of bazillions of hours of primetime TV
AKA in fandom as "Why Do You People Need To Make Everyone Gay?"
Nothing like oversimplification to really get to the heart of an issue.
Hey, Will and Bobby Cannavale kissed and hugged this season, Okay, more hugging than kissing, but there has also been some hair playing and lovey eye-gazing.
Likes Eric McCormick Plus We Caption the Show So I Watch It On My Computer During Lunch
Does the SM remember where s/he got it? Because I really really want one.
She got them as a gift from her grandmother. And I will see if I can find out where she might have gotten them, because you need a pink toolbox.
My daughter would love pink tools. She likes tools and likes everything girly.
That set that Ginger linked to is exactly the set my SM has.
It's like DeKnight, and Goddard with A:ts's The Girl in Question. If I just think about the elements of that which I hated, the love is gone. So I try not to, because I love them both. Except now. Dammit.
See, if you think of it as their last chance to play in their shared universe together and going overboard with the toys, you feel better about the whole thing. Or at least, I do.
AKA in fandom as "Why Do You People Need To Make Everyone Gay?"
Because we Hate and Fear the Female! DUH.