Finally got caught up in here. It's been a long Monday. Didn't help that I had trouble falling asleep last night because my vents are "woofing". (I don't know how else to describe it.) This has happened in the past and the landlord says he can't do anything about it. Something about the way the venting system was constructed when the house was built. The vents are built into the floor (I live in the basement, mind) and there's a crack somewhere in the concrete that allows water into them. Somehow a certain combination of the water level and the temperature causes them to "woof" when the furnace is running. Since this is all taking place underneath the concrete floor, there's nothing he can do. I just have to wait until the temp and/or water level changes enough to allow the air to pass freely.
Speaking of the temperature, I'm trying to work up the will to brave it and go to kickboxing tonight, since I haven't been there in months. Again.
On the pet subject, all of the family pets from when I was growing up have passed on, mostly in the last few years. The three cats my parents have now were acquired after I moved out, so I don't have any real bond to any of them, though I do enjoy their company while I'm visiting. I miss my dog the most, as of the half-dozen animals we had in the house over the years, he was the most "mine". My parents would have let me keep him if I wanted had I found a place that allowed pets.
I do know when I finally get a house I'm going to want to get a pet, though I still don't know whether it will be a cat or a dog, as I like both.
I'm just concerned about getting enough signups, because it's such a new fandom, and really, I think people don't pay 2k (flight, hotel, food, ticket, auction, fancy frocks) to fly out to meet a couple of actors and producers, they do that because they want to spend time with each other, too.
fandom may be new, Allyson, but don't you think you'll get ME fans, both because, um,
got so many people from ME and because of buffistas? Also, because the party is occuring when
to come out, you might get people who had been planning on coming for the premiere. I'm not sure if I'll make it for the party or not, but I probably wouldn't even have thought about it if I hadn't already built up LA in April in my mind for
March and April really are just about the perfect time to leave Alaska, when winter is not quite over, but you're sick to death of it. Plus, now that I've met some buffistas in person, I would love to meet more!
yes. all of those things you mentioned! This was the first time blood has ever been drawn between these two (in the almost 8 years since we've had them). What I'd be interested in knowing more about is twofold: how much can be blamed on Kuma's thyroid being too high due to his meds being too high (which I would say is a lot and we're adjusting his medication this month) and how much is an issue of Kuma being a jindo, which is a primitive breed?
Finally wandering in here on a Monday. I've actually been pretty productive though.
Also, I've put up some pictures from my little housewarming party.
I'm very happy with it. High ceilings in the office and I'm surrounded by my books.
JZ is making a spice rack. I don't think she even took shop class.
I'm up to 40% less achey, but now my stomach is full of pneuma, and the bottom of my lungs are swiming in fluid. EM is keeping Emmett for an extra night so he doesn't get sick. Also, my gas tank is hovering over E.
So I've watched bad movies all day.
View to A Kill
may be the worst Bond movie ever. How am I supposed to take it seriously with the exotic locations when they're just poodling around San Franciso and breaking into file rooms in city hall? Jesus, Columbo could do that. Also, Roger Moore was really showing his age. He's looks like he's real stiff getting off the cable car. Still, it has Christopher Walken with crazy blond hair and Grace Jones.
Also saw
Thank God It's Friday
- the super cheesy disco movie. I didn't realize Debra Winger and Jeff Goldblum were in it. It's kind of like a Beach Party movie with lots more cocaine and poppers. The guy they set up as the best dancer? The Leatherman (seriously) - just terrible. He could do a fair amount of acrobatic stuff, and ballet leaps, but just a total graceless leadfoot.
My brother has one like that too, called Screech because she broke her voice crying for three days in the woods alone when she was barely a few weeks old. They finally found her and got her all fixed up, but she's still not sure it's over.
That's...quite possibly the saddest thing I've ever heard.
Oy...big rainfall and the house flooded a bit. I'd better get back to stemming the waters.
Vents. Woofing vents. And I thought hearing my neighbor's tv through the bathtub was annoying.
Kat, this didn't occur to me before, but is Kuma on any steroidy-like stuff for his thyroid? Cause 'roid made Goober, the most subordinate dog ever, try to challenge the cats.
Screech is in a good place now. She knows that enough to play with the other cats and come out and sleep on my brother's neck at night. She's just scared of everyone else.