Allyson, yay on the former event being so great, yay on people being helpful and, well, all-around nice, on the event ahead, and yay you for making these things happen.
I'd be a wreck if Kristen didn't throw her hat in the ring to partner with us. The thing that makes these events happy-making is getting to work with friends. I can't tell you how calming it was to have ita there last year, or to see Plei and DX and the LAistas helping and chatting and just THERE, you know?
It was like, "these people won't let me die."
Jesse, I thought to ask you, the charity said that they'd help with a joint press release and send a notice out to its members about the party, which I think is asking them too much, though I could be on crack. It's not too much, you think? I hope?
Generally if an outside group approaches a charity about doing a fundraiser, it turns out they want the charity to do all the work. So a mailing or two should not be a problem.
As for decor, just think about all the prosthetically enhanced people you won't have to make arrangements for this time around.
Are you kidding? I found tropical fish shaped balloons! So they'll be fish swimming throughout the place and blue and green lights and streamers to create an ocean effect and sushi!
I'm getting ahead of myself.
Are you kidding? I found tropical fish shaped balloons! So they'll be fish swimming throughout the place and blue and green lights and streamers to create an ocean effect and sushi!
That all sounds great, Allyson. I am definitely going to be there.
I'll come if there's little palm centerpieces with polar bears underneath...
That all sounds great, Allyson. I am definitely going to be there.
You said the magic Lee word, Allyson
It sounds like a great bash, and I'm sure you'll do your usual superb job.
So a mailing or two should not be a problem.
It's an email list, and they offered to send it, so they just have to send our press release to the list. I don't want them to have to spend any money on anything besides the postage for mailing receipts.
Allyson -- The party will ROCK. Yours always do. You will BOULDER. You always do. And remember -- I am always right. So, no worries.
It's an email list, and they offered to send it, so they just have to send our press release to the list. I don't want them to have to spend any money on anything besides the postage for mailing receipts.
HMOG, you are a charity's dream. When outside groups have approached the place where I work, they always want us (the charity) to get the people there -- invitations, follow-up, tickets, blah blah blah. Tons of time and money.
Sekret message to JohnS:
Also, Hi.