You guys have lots of snow? We have sunlight here. It's gorgeous outside, and I can't go out and take a walk. Instead, I take a study break with you people who have snow.
Also, hi! I'm on a semester-makes-you-skip diet, even though today is the official first day of the exams-vacation between the semesters. Also, one of my roommates (the one who loved "Firefly"!) got engaged, so not everything is exams-exercise-grade-paper-work. I am, however, not amusing, I'm afraid.
Hi Nilly! Nice to see you. In Western NY we have a lot of snow, anyway. Well, not closing down the malls snow, but enough to make people nuts.
Sophia! It's been forever since I posted with you! How are you doing, other than the snow and the nuts?
Fairly well. My boss still sucks, but theatre is going well and keeping me busy.
How is the schooling? (also, when do you finish?)
Our malls our closed! I decided not to go to work because 1) the buses are not running and 2) the military was advised to stay home. If the military can't get to work, certainly a little public servant can stay home!
Yay for theater going well!
I'm in the 3rd year out of 4. However, I'm way behind on my work (which is why, of course, I'm wasting time on the internet). The semester just ended, so it's still hectic and crazy. And once that will be over, yet another semester will start. Did I mention that my roommate will get married in two months? I'm so very happy for her.
Megan! Another name I haven't posted with in a long time! How are you doing? How is your health? Also, definitely stay home (sorry, Sue).
[Edited to: VW! How are you doing? Over with all the schoolwork?]
VW! How are you doing? Over with all the schoolwork?
I'm good. We are on break, but I'm trying to finish up some incompletes, so I've still got schoolwork. But at least it's not at the crazy pace as the semester is. School starts again in a week, which I can hardly believe!
Congrats for your roommate!
We're getting snow here too. We've gotten some, but not much. It seems to be taking a break, but it's supposed to pick up again.
Our malls our closed! I decided not to go to work because 1) the buses are not running and 2) the military was advised to stay home. If the military can't get to work, certainly a little public servant can stay home!
The post office has pulled mail carriers off the road. Our org is the only one open in the whole feckin' province.
Also, definitely stay home (sorry, Sue).
I almost stayed home myself, but my stubborness refused to use a vacation day on a day would should have rightly had off. And really? I have been in far worse snowstorms.
I just called in to work for no good reason at all, and now I'm kind of wishing I hadn't. Ah well. Off to take the dog for a longer than usual walk (despite the fact that it's freaking cold outside) and maybe get some coffee.