I can't quite believe that a) I am decontructing Halle's dress and b) no one noticed or cared about the Picasso boobage BUT
I think the top needed to be better boned to stay up in the diagonal, but with the stronger bones it would have flattened the right breast and she would have been lopsided either way.\\It was sort of like the time I had to build a dress to these specifications
"I want it to be bnes and have the womans ample cleavage spilling out of the top but I don't want it to connect anywhere but at the waist, with one fastener. She needs to get into it in 30 seconds on stage and can be wearing no undergarments."
Where is everyone. We're having a snowstorm, and the whole province is shut down except, of course, for us. Out of 15 employees in my section there are 2 of us here, and I think I saw about 8 on my way in out of an office of several hundred. I need amusement!
I'm at home and B. is outside snowblowing the driveway. It drifted 3 feet in some areas. I don't know if I'll bother going in to the office at all today since my boss is relying on the buses and they aren't running.
I need amusement too! My boss is away today! Well she is "working" from her vacation home. But anyway, not here!
I don't know why I am up. I don't have to be up today, but here I am.
After all the hype, we only got a dusting of snow last night. It's about time we started getting that coastal moderation.
I think I want to go back to sleep.
You guys have lots of snow? We have sunlight here. It's gorgeous outside, and I can't go out and take a walk. Instead, I take a study break with you people who have snow.
Also, hi! I'm on a semester-makes-you-skip diet, even though today is the official first day of the exams-vacation between the semesters. Also, one of my roommates (the one who loved "Firefly"!) got engaged, so not everything is exams-exercise-grade-paper-work. I am, however, not amusing, I'm afraid.
Hi Nilly! Nice to see you. In Western NY we have a lot of snow, anyway. Well, not closing down the malls snow, but enough to make people nuts.
Sophia! It's been forever since I posted with you! How are you doing, other than the snow and the nuts?
Fairly well. My boss still sucks, but theatre is going well and keeping me busy.
How is the schooling? (also, when do you finish?)
Our malls our closed! I decided not to go to work because 1) the buses are not running and 2) the military was advised to stay home. If the military can't get to work, certainly a little public servant can stay home!