We got more pets because Kit Ten LOVED Artie (whom we got because his owners were going to drop him off at the shelter, and we said NO, absolutely not, we'll take him), and then when he died, she was really upset.
Oh, that's so sad.
when we got to the shelter, we couldn't separate the sisters, so we took them both.
That's very kind.
And it's not really their fault that they're not that bright.
My first cat (Piecrust) was the smartest cat, ever. My second cat (Louie) was the dumbest cat ever to walk the earth. Poor Louie.
Well, cats (and many dogs) like to have company.
I never knew that about cats. Heh. I have only had cats, but dogs seem so much more sociable to me. Very intersting.
Christmas tree down and out. This is by no means our record of tardiness.
Our record of tardiness was July 13th. That was awesome. It was a beautiful ten foot evergreen, that was still healthy.
Annette Benning
looked like she was debating whether to chug that champagne before heading up to the stage.
I went ice skating today. It was fun. I also just glanced in the mirror and noticed that I've got a fairly long scratch across my cheek and chin, and I have no idea how it got there.
Christmas tree down and out. This is by no means our record of tardiness.
This is the record of our tardiness. My neck hurt to much to take it down New Year's weekend, which is when we usually do it. We do like leaving it up through Epiphany sometimes though, so we didn't sweat it.
Last night, I told Scott I was so proud of us for getting our Valentine's Day tree up and decorated so early. I'm pretty sure we'll get it down, tomorow.
Julianna Margolies looks great in red lipstick.
My first cat (Piecrust) was the smartest cat, ever. My second cat (Louie) was the dumbest cat ever to walk the earth. Poor Louie.
That's exactly how Kit Ten and the babies are. She's Piecrust. Together, they're Louie.
But man, she was really upset about Artie. She wouldn't speak to my mom for about a week after my mom finally put away all of Artie's things, like his bowl and stuff. Even though she did know he was sick, and we told her he died. We used to joke that he was like her Elvis, she thought he was just the coolest cat ever. (He, on the other hand, could take her or leave her. But he was a sweetheart, and was never mean to her. He just ignored her as best he could.) And then when he died, she just didn't want to accept it. So it's like he really was her Elvis.
I miss having a cat. I'd love to have a pet again, but my schedule is so crazy that it's just not fair to a pet.
Crap. My Christmas tree is still up. I have until the Superbowl, right? Technically?
As to why we have more than one pet, well...I guess we got MacKenzie as our first dog. She was my birthday gift the second year we were married. Then DH found Bogie the cat on the golf course and brought him home. Then we rescued Sam the dog from a fate worse than death (being raised in my idiot sister's home). And when Bogie died, we got Oz the cat. I guess we just add them to the household willy-nilly (but with good reasons).