Crap. My Christmas tree is still up. I have until the Superbowl, right? Technically?
As to why we have more than one pet, well...I guess we got MacKenzie as our first dog. She was my birthday gift the second year we were married. Then DH found Bogie the cat on the golf course and brought him home. Then we rescued Sam the dog from a fate worse than death (being raised in my idiot sister's home). And when Bogie died, we got Oz the cat. I guess we just add them to the household willy-nilly (but with good reasons).
I went ice skating today. It was fun. I also just glanced in the mirror and noticed that I've got a fairly long scratch across my cheek and chin, and I have no idea how it got there.
Yay, for you! Was it as fun as you wanted it to be?
Melina Kankawhatever - what is with that dress? Fug-ly.
Is that Nicole Kidman? (In the fugly link.) I don't know. I've seen much fuglier things than that, either way. Like the ice skating outfit that Tonya Harding was wearing in that flashback they showed during Nationals last night.