I don't like being the age I am for one reason -- I should have done more, and it makes it apparentl I wasted time.
Which is totally an issue of mine.
Other than that? I have a hard time remembering my age, and have been wont to add a couple years on, come September.
I should have done more, and it makes it apparently I wasted time.
Nothing worse than an old slacker. You never did amount to much.
Hey, aged doesn't start until you hit the 60s.
Except my parents are in their sixties and a dear friend is in his 70s and they aren't.
Aged doesn't happen until you are dead.
I decree it.
Of course, I could resist giving my SIL shit when she forgot her age and was appalled to figure out she was 24. Hello, she has a 2 year old. 24 is not old. (I think it was more that she blanked on her age that freaked her out.)
She used to be a prodigy. It's sad, really.
There, there, ita. At least you have your health.
I have no gray hair.
but I dye. So I don't know.
At least you have your health.
I will personally kick you and your smart mouth off my lawn.
Watch your back.