I never got GG. Everyone annoyed me, and the result of that is I won't watch.
t longwinded rant
Ahrg. Just got snippy with coworker. See, about a YEAR AGO, we got new software for this insane system. And about a month into operations, I noticed that gee, something was missing and it should be a problem but wasn't. So I asked. And I was told that the missing thing was deemed superfluous. Um, ok. So I made some changes to stuff and figured, you know, it was the DEVELOPERS' job to document the new system.
So I get a call all freaked out today. And I seem to be the only one who anyone bothered to tell (well, some of the others appear to have forgotten including the person who told me initially, but anyway.)
So now I'm getting " Where is this documented? Didn't you document it?" Um, no. Not for stuff that isn't MY JOB. My job is not to write the fucking documentation for the system or the databases. My job is harder because the people who wrote the system don't document for shit, and sure, I'll make a note on a postit to remind me of the change until the glue dries up and I've forgotten it was otherwise, but... not my job to make the developers tell everyone else wtf they are doing. If it was, I'd be called a manager and have a bigger office and salary and be in meetings all day.
t /rant
There, I feel better now.
I posted that in Bitches, brenda, but your article is much clearer and makes more sense.
So wait. The psych. said he was a consultant for a non-existent episode of L&O, and that's why she's getting a new trial? No one checked this at the time?
Lynch mobs don't need fact-checkers.
Brenda! I was just going to post that!
They over-turned it because he cited an episode of
Law and Order
that turns out doesn't exist? Am I over-simplifying? Can they now try her husband?
It's just so off.
still happy about my no news policy. Things are too upsetting and people, too jackassy.
The Andrea Yates thing is scary. It surprises me that *no one* noticed. Shouldn't the "expert" have had to introduce a script, or at least something proving he had worked on the show? Weren't there any fanatic L&O fans in the courtroom who knew there was no episode of that description?
Justice is scary.
He even apparently testified that it had
shortly before the killings. WTF?
I guarantee you that TV show execs are well aware when they get tied into a prominent news item like the Yates trial, and they damn well should have recognized that they had no such episode.
I wonder if no one questioned it too closely because no one wanted to sound like they were making excuses for a child murderer. I'm not sure why it would have had that effect, but that's all I can think of.