Except for the whole being in competition with each other part.
No I mean NBC has reporters for its affiliates, CBS for its affiliates, etc...
The rest are independently run (but within the confines of their agreement with the network) and are under no obligations to exercise restraint. Especially when it comes to disasters of any kind.
But wouldn't airing a tape supplied by the network cost a hell of a lot less than sending one of their own?
See, it's my idealistic side that ends up making me such a cynic.
No I mean NBC has reporters for its affiliates, CBS for its affiliates, etc...
They're still in competition with each other. You won't see Dan Rather sharing his stories with ABC or NBC; it's as if the other networks don't exist.
But wouldn't airing a tape supplied by the network cost a hell of a lot less than sending one of their own?
But it doesn't make it
to their viewing audience. A local reporter will move heaven and earth to find a subject which has local significance, i.e. a survivor from the area. Cost is no object when it means you win the ratings war.
You won't see Dan Rather sharing his stories with ABC or NBC
What am I not explaining clearly? Cause that's not what I'm saying.
I totally dug the
premiere. I loved the SO to the pilot mentioned above and
I love the way it's like back to the old and yet all brand new.
Oh, and I loved
Marshall and the "Do you know Sloan's here", although
I think he said it better.
What am I not explaining clearly? Cause that's not what I'm saying.
Sorry, I didn't mean to come across harshly. I'm not getting where Hec's competition remark fit in to your understanding.
Sorry, I didn't mean to come across harshly.
You didn't, don't worry. I'm just frustrated with my lack of ability to communicate my thoughts since you and Hec seemed to read me the same way. The 3 day headache isn't helping.
NBC's affiliates aren't in competition with each other, I think is the point. So they can share.
Kat -- yes! I just wished it had been more effective,
Please tell me that no first-year rookie students from the L.A. center are going to be looking out for Fox?
Fox? Oh, he's on his own.
I'm just frustrated with my lack of ability to communicate my thoughts since you and Hec seemed to read me the same way.
Look at it this way, it might not be you. It's most likely the rest of us. Hec and I have been know to be off in left field on occasion.
ita to the rescue as usual. And no physical force was necessary. Sorry.
If the affiliates aren't in competition, then it goes back to localizing the disaster. It's a ratings goldmine. Who doesn't want to hear about the boy from your city/town/state that miraculously survived X?
NBC's affiliates aren't in competition with each other, I think is the point. So they can share.
ita's all pointful and succinct and shit.
I get you Aurelia. Rather isn't going to share with ABC or NBC, but why he can't share with the CBS local affiliates is another matter.
Personally, I think it has mostly to do with the reporters trying to grab a chance to jump out of the local news and into the Big Time.