I get you Aurelia. Rather isn't going to share with ABC or NBC, but why he can't share with the CBS local affiliates is another matter.
Personally, I think it has mostly to do with the reporters trying to grab a chance to jump out of the local news and into the Big Time.
Thank you, ita. That is what I was failing to say.
Angela Bassett is HAWT. She can do this thing with her eyes that's just... DAMN.
Aww, I feel like my Alias is back.
FTR on Alias the "metro" is the North Hollywood of the LA metro. When
Sydney walks out of the train into the station,
the sign says North Hollywood.
t heart
Angela Bassett.
Thank you, ita. That is what I was failing to say.
If I was on day three of a headache, I don't think I'd have been too successful myself.
I've just
refiled my photos into three small photo boxes. If I slack now, I'll never finish. But my protein smoothie is all melty, and Alias is on, and my computer misses me.
Also I need a big envelope.
I feel so out of the loop. Is it a crime against TV that I've never seen an episode of
Is it a crime against TV that I've never seen an episode of Alias?
There'll always be ParisDVDs.
I'm watching now. My meter is set to: Angela Basset with the short hair! Yay!
Maria, no. Of course not.
I just have mad Alias love.
David, I liked your post better when it said "a short hair." It was funnier to picture.
Plei, I don't watch Alias, but in perusing my friends list on LJ, I saw those EXACT SAME words.
Is it a crime against TV that I've never seen an episode of Alias?
You've got a partner in crime.
I've got this really weird vertigo thing going on. The last time it happened was a week of nausea and spinny rooms.