I got a cat for all of the reasons, I suppose. There are too many of them out there that need homes. This one is just so much more evil than the last one. I waited a full year and a half after we lost Bogey so I wouldn't feel like I was trying to replace him.
We'll probably get another one when O's a little older and won't be so hard on a kitten.
Hec, I want to send you an email. Is profile addy ok?
Also? Wooooooo! Email from Cashmere!
Why do local news stations feel it necessary to send reporters to tsunami striken locations? That can't possibly help.
Why do local news stations feel it necessary to send reporters to tsunami striken locations? That can't possibly help.
First rule of journalism: If it bleeds, it leads.
Sadly, people tune in to the carnage.
Yes, but... surely networks could plan this such that only a handful of reporters covered it for all the affiliates. At some point other considerations really should take priority.
surely networks could plan this such that only a handful of reporters covered it for all the affiliates.
Except for the whole being in competition with each other part.
surely networks could plan this such that only a handful of reporters covered it for all the affiliates.
Only a very few local stations are actually owned/controlled by their affiliated network. The rest are independently run (but within the confines of their agreement with the network) and are under no obligations to exercise restraint. Especially when it comes to disasters of any kind.
Except for the whole being in competition with each other part.
No I mean NBC has reporters for its affiliates, CBS for its affiliates, etc...
The rest are independently run (but within the confines of their agreement with the network) and are under no obligations to exercise restraint. Especially when it comes to disasters of any kind.
But wouldn't airing a tape supplied by the network cost a hell of a lot less than sending one of their own?
See, it's my idealistic side that ends up making me such a cynic.