Okay, WRT to Lost:
I had a big deep thought about it and then they did the
swim of the blue lagoon
and, pffft, gone.
But, also, as cute as
Sawyer is
and let's be fair, so adorable, it's really damned stupid
to jump off rocks without really knowing how deep a pool is.
Also, nice to see Kate
wearing something not green.
Cause that shirt
she was always wearing,
must have been ripe.
The Bristows are giving
THe House of Atreus
a run for their money.
Weiss is adorableness personified. And to think Greg Grunberg used to annoy the beejesus out of me in
Okay, so does anyone know when Jack & Bobby is supposed to return? Are they moving it to another night? Cause I've got too many things going in this time slot.
I'm just really bitter about the Red Cross for a wide variety of reasons.
I'm still mad at them for prohibiting me from donating blood because I spent too much time in Europe, even though the risk of mad cow disease and vCJD is higher in the U.S. than in the countries that I spent time in. There is no rational basis for their policy and they absolutely refuse to provide any justification for it.
Lee, there's already food_porn.
Speaking of which, the steak I just ate was obscenely good.
eyes roll back in head
I did that French thing where you put a pat of butter on it. Soooooo Decadent.
This just in: The Daily Show? Still got it.
Lost and Alias? Possibly both too confusing for me.
Alias seemed about an hour too long. I hope they fix that before next week.
My cat ate the end off of a $20 bill this evening.
Someone tell me why I got another cat.
Good idea, Lee. Off to sign up.
Hee. Cash, as long as the bill is recognizable as a $20 bill, you can take it to the bank and get a new one.
As for why you got another cat, I can only surmise that you wanted to clean litterboxes more than once every 2 days. Doesn't everyone?
t avoiding cleaning the one in the bathroom in the hopes DF will get the hint