It's like a weird overreaction to the mounds of dead bodies. The tsunami is over. Clean up, bring some antibiotics, build some new shacks and on you go. Meanwhile, (to list one example) sub-Sahara Africa is dying of AIDS in a crisis where that money could make a difference.
Also, donate blood. That's what the Red Cross is good for, right? Or does it not travel internationally?
Do we think that
Irina is really most sincerely
(That was about
I wanted to go get pizza or a burger for dinner, and she might have gone with me.
Oh. I would have gone. If not for sitting around in my pajamas and napping.
sumi, I think so.
Lena Olin has no intention of coming back, from what I've heard.
Of course, they could always pull a
Francie and resurrect her in other skin.
Betsy, the ski masks are terrible. But in a similar, ohmigod way, I give artistic nanoknitting.
Oh my God,
Rick Yune
is hot. Also, yay,
Angela Bassett!
Wow, Jennifer Garner is *cut*. She looks like she could truly beat up half a dozen men without breaking a sweat.
artistic nanoknitting.
I could've lived a long and happy life without ever dreaming of the existence of tampon socks.