I CANNOT believe the anti-pimp cup sentiment. Are you also against the bling? The pimp hat? The Courvoisier?!?!?
Your pimp cup does not have to match your shoes, but it should coordinate, IMPO. (ok, that was originally a typo, but I like the idea of having a Pimping Opinion.)
I would like to state a strongly held opinion: I am anti-pimp cup.
I'm somehow managing to bill a lot of work and process incoming stuff while randomly falling asleep at my desk due to the ick invading my lymph nodes. Is this what narcolepsy feels like?
I absolutely must pack it in after 8 hours, though, because my ability to think logically is about equal to somebody three sheets to the wind.
I'm half-afraid the next time I come into work I'll discover that I FedExed my stapler to Chicago.
Are you also against the bling?
Hey that reminds me...was there a word equivalent to 'bling' in the 80s?
it all ended for me after the bamboo earring and rope chains.
I don't think there was, lisah.
I could use a new stapler, so it wouldn't be all bad.
Hmmm, we just got an updated outline of our benefits and work expectations today that seemed to say comp time (which replaced pay) is no longer being offered for overtime hours. Though by the time I got the e-mail (to my home e-mail address rather than my work one), apparently enough people had replied "SAY WHAT!?!" to subject the matter to further review.
I'm beginning to wonder if New Boss is going to start wearing men's suits in blue and styling her hair in V-shaped points.
was there a word equivalent to 'bling' in the 80s?
I believe we said "Jewelry".
My official opinion on pimp cups is that they are as ugly as class rings.
So, Matt, what is the deal? Overtime is just another name for unpaid work? Not a good way to encourage a strong work ethic, I'd imagine.