Kids books! I love anything by Graeme Base, but Anamalia and The Water Hole are great ones to start with. The illustrations are so rich that kids don't really outgrow them.
When I went to amazon to find the links, the page said "You Know You Want It" and listed
Lost In The Grooves, Playing By Heart
(dvd), and
Kathy -
Gus and Hera.
Ugh. It looks like I should've done my grocery shopping today.
Thanks, everyone!
Gus and Hera, hmm? Just as I was getting to really like them.
Oh well.
TAR: Why couldn't it have beenJonathan, or kendra, or Hayden?
Well, really, they made the wrong decisions the entire episode. You know when I heard that the
fast forward was drinking blood,
I thought that was pretty darn gross (and wondered what sort of
traditional Hungarian ritual that was
), but really the
? Much much grosser. It resembled an episode of
what with the vomiting.
Also, very relieved that we didn't have to suffer through
Gus in a speedo.
Next week, can they do a very special episode in which
Jonathan gets hit on the head by
On VM: I kind of thought that it was fairly pointed that
Mac's dad lost his business -- the one he had founded and wound up as a salesman working for the people who bought him out.
And they made me cry. Damn them. And was this the episode that they decided that they couldn't show before Christmas?
VM: The last scene with Mac really got to me. Where she put herhand on the window and her BioMom did too.sniff!
Argh! Is there anyone on AIM who has been following the latest Buffy fandom mini-kerfuffle?
I desire to make a snarky quip before it kills me, but it's only funny if you're following said kerfuffle and if you followed the really big one from last year.
Have I been doing it wrong?
I was thinking coffee ice cream with hot fudge.
My brother gave him a bit of french toast with maple syrup and he was mental for an hour. It was no more than a few tic tacs worth of french toast, and yet.
So next time I see him, it's all about trying some ice cream and hot fudge.
There's a Buffy fandom kerfuffle? And I'm unawares? How did get so loopless?
Coffee frappe! Nothing to choke on there.
Or coffee milk. Either way.
Buffy Fandom kerfuffle? I've had my brain full with Lost fans kerfuffling at The Fusealge already today.
Maybe its a day for kerfuffles.