What is more fun than buying kids books? Nothing, is what I say.
WROD! I have to try to stay out of book stores else I'll go nuts. I just ordered some more for O from Amazon and we like the used bookstores for books but I think the board books get more biting than your usual kids' books so they don't wear so well the second time around.
I will say that these rattle books are AWESOME to take along in the stroller and store. It can keep O wrapped up long enough for me to get my shopping done.
I found this and it looks PERFECT!
How cute for an auntie!
I once bought a book for a book drive pointed toward middle school students. They'd particularly asked for books with a non-European setting, so I found one that looked interesting that was set in, er, well, Aztec society...
...you can see where this is going, can't you?
In my defense, I did not know when I bought it that the last scene was the narrator having his heart cut out. But, hey, I donated it anyway. I would've loved watching a narrator get his heart cut out when I was that age.
ETA: And it was YA! I swear!
Oh yeah, I meant to say AWWWW re: visiting auntie book.
Timlies! We're having an ice storm in KC!
Happy Birthday ita!
Allyson, these are kinda old, but I swear by Babar and Madeline.
Robin, I'm glad you liked
I enjoyed it too and it felt good to hand it off to another person who would appreciate it.
Allyson, I have too many books to suggest!
Okay, for starters, I'm gonna recommend some lesser known ones I love:
I adore Grump by Janet Wong. "Look at Baby, Smart good Baby, Happy Baby, Making Gravy, Applesauce and ketchup gravy..." It has great rhythm.
Mice and Beans is so much fun. I love the color. Also, I have an extra one of these if you want one.
Diary of a Worm makes me laugh every time I read it because it's so clever and so funny.
I Will Never Not Ever Eat a Tomato. Bahahah... it's like an Alibelle sort of book.
Molly Bang is one of my favorite author/illustrators. Ten, Nine, Eight is one of the best pre bedtime books. Calmly written and illustrated. It's a complete antidote to When Sophie Gets Angry which is such a good read, especially for kids who look for ways to think about anger.
Anyhow, if you would like come look through my picture books. I have doubles of some and I'd be happy to go to the Scholastic Warehouse with you if you ever want to go.
oooh, Scholastic Warehouse sounds like a blast.
My mom better build that bookcase fast.
Happy Birthday ita!
When I was a kid, I loved a book called "The Wise old Dog", but I cannot find it anywhere now. I also loved Ferdinand, but Grover, sor some reason traumitized me. I think his rendition of "I'm so Blue" was too sad for me. Anyway. I burst into tears every time I even saw Grover, which was very sad for my mother, as she LOVED him.
I wasn't much into kids books, as my mother read to me from non-picture books from at least the age of 3. I loved The Boxcar Children, Little Women, and the entire Bobbsey Twins series (althoug now the Bobbsey twins AND the Boxcar Children remind me, unfortunately, of G-rated version of Flowers in the Attic. Damn that VC Andrews)
My favorite books as I got a little older (8 years old) were the Dorrie the Witch books. But most of them are out of print now and REALLY hard to find.
I came across a book in the attic the other day that I used to just love:
The Meanest Squirrel I Ever Met,
about a squirrel con-man.
Also found my old Fisher-Price abacus. Two of the bars are missing, though, so now it's base eight.
Too. Damned. Cool.
The world's first animation: