I got him Goodnight Moon
A few years ago a colleague and I developed a treatment program for helping parents to get their kids to go to sleep at night. Part of the program was an individualized book that we created for each kid, in which the kid was the protagonist and the family sleep routine (snack, brush teeth, etc.) was part of the story. The other book that we gave to every family was Goodnight Moon. For many low-income families these were the first two books that the kid ever owned, and it was painful to see how excited the kids were to have them. On the other hand, these kids could truthfully point out that half of the books that they owned had been written about them.
I absolutely love all of the children's book suggestions.
So is it a bad sign that I just got great glee going through my new 2005 calendar and marking all of the days I'm
working until school gets out in late June?
Someone upthread wished ita the chance to kick people in the head today.
I would like to volunteer someone.
My nieces loved Chicka Chicka Boom Boomand it is wicked fun to read aloud.
Skipping ahead to wish ita a happy birthday, and whatever violent things she desires in the coming year.
I found this and it looks PERFECT!
I think we got Chicka Chicka Boom Boom for Joss' sprog.
For many low-income families these were the first two books that the kid ever owned
This is why I love First Book. Tis what they do.
What is more fun than buying kids books? Nothing, is what I say. I was freaking out before Christmas trying to decide between an Enclyclopedia Brown anthology or The Day My Butt Went Psycho for my little cousin. I picked the butt one.
What is more fun than buying kids books? Nothing, is what I say.
WROD! I have to try to stay out of book stores else I'll go nuts. I just ordered some more for O from Amazon and we like the used bookstores for books but I think the board books get more biting than your usual kids' books so they don't wear so well the second time around.
I will say that these rattle books are AWESOME to take along in the stroller and store. It can keep O wrapped up long enough for me to get my shopping done.
I found this and it looks PERFECT!
How cute for an auntie!
I once bought a book for a book drive pointed toward middle school students. They'd particularly asked for books with a non-European setting, so I found one that looked interesting that was set in, er, well, Aztec society...
...you can see where this is going, can't you?
In my defense, I did not know when I bought it that the last scene was the narrator having his heart cut out. But, hey, I donated it anyway. I would've loved watching a narrator get his heart cut out when I was that age.
ETA: And it was YA! I swear!
Oh yeah, I meant to say AWWWW re: visiting auntie book.