I just saw Dustin Hoffman wearing socks with ducks or something on them, so I think men do OK when it comes to goofy.
The were serious pomelos. Bigger than my head, literally.
I'm not sure why I find this so terrifying. It's not like I'm afraid of watermelons.
I just saw Dustin Hoffman wearing socks with ducks or something on them, so I think men do OK when it comes to goofy.
And I have my Pac-man socks.
"Goofy" works better when it's kept to the small touches.
What is that all about? Men have to expend all their clothing creativity on their boxer shorts, and may not express anything goofy in clothing that will be displayed to the outside world.
You're forgetting ties. I have ties with my hockey team's logo (as well as a beskated foot kicking up a spray of ice), clocks, a thin vintage tie that looks black from a distance but is actually irridescent plum with red flecks, a white silk tie to wear with dark shirts, and a couple of shiny dark red ones with various patterns.
happy birthday ita!
and DX's brother. and Kristin's DH
greenishcard ma~~
and a little gronk
Happy birthday to ita,
She couldn't be sweet-a,
I hope she doesn't krav me,
The next time we meet-a!!!!
t curtsies, exits, pursued by a bear
t not here
What was one thing that you got as a gift this past year that still makes you smile?
If I were here, I'd answer that one, easily. It was the present from you guys. And I don't even mean the ticket, but what's behind it. The very notion that people who never even met me went to such lengths to doing things for a complete stranger. And then, the hosting, with all the kosher and the shabbat and all the other rules, and the way it never stopped me from feeling welcome wherever I was. I'm smiling even as I type, right now.
t /no, really, I'm not here. I'm right there, working on the exercise in "complex systems" I have to hand in this week
t loving Nilly
My favorite gift this year was the gift of Nilly.
And, also, the gift of Tom.