I still say Coke should have secretly rolled out the old formula back in the early 90s and showed Pepsi a thing or two about their "Gotta Have It" ad campaign.
If anyone knows his bedroom secrets, it's Debbie.
Am I alone in thinking Debbie might be the last person to go to for reliable info about Jackson's bedroom secrets?
re: the Pepsi recipe:
Should one drink Phosporaic Acid. (or is that what "strawberry phosphates" are?) also Coriander???
Coriander's kinda sweet. No idea about phosphoric acid, though.
I have done almost nothing of note today
Oh, corpses are of note.
Not gory, FTR. The diseased samples were gross in ways for which I was completely unprepared, but the healthy bodies and organs ... strange, but not offputting.
I say this now. I should see what dreams I have first. But it was way cool, and maybe I'll even remember some of the stuff.
Coriander smells like flowers, no?
Here's the original Pepsi recipe, as of 1923. Back then it closely resembled the Coca Cola recipe.
There dosen't appear to be any actual cola in that recipe. Also, none of the other ingredients provide any caffeine.
Coriander smells like flowers, no?
It tastes like ground Mary Sue, if I recall correctly: all sage and nutmeg-y, yet sweet too. I'm amazed it's a plain brown rather than amber or violet colored.
The diseased samples were gross in ways for which I was completely unprepared,
Sounds like 9th grade's STD presentation. One kid passed out at one of the slides. I don't recall which one. Probably one of the weeping sores ones.