I just picked up my mail from vacation hold, and found a beautiful SailAweigh card, and a lovely plush reindeer for Annabel from Ginger! Thanks, y'all.
As a preliminary 2004 in review, here's our Christmas letter: [link]
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Oh, and 2004? Don't think we've forgotten about you.
I just picked up my mail from vacation hold, and found a beautiful SailAweigh card, and a lovely plush reindeer for Annabel from Ginger! Thanks, y'all.
As a preliminary 2004 in review, here's our Christmas letter: [link]
I went to the P.O for the first time in weeks today, and waiting for me was Hec's Chistmukah mix CD! Complete with Princess Bride reference on the envelope. Big smushy kiss and hug for you!
2004, another rebuilding year for Team Kate. Finally faced my financial failures. Finally stood up to the insanity at work. Finally got to the breakthrough I needed in therapy. Not by coincidence, was diagnosed and began treatment for adult ADD.
2005 will see the consequences of all of this; I know my work on each is far from over. I'm looking forward to it, though. I'm slowly realizing that I'm worth fighting for.
I'm only sorry that all this life-changing stuff has kept me from playing with my online friends. B.org is always such a wonderful place to indulge myself whenever I have some time.
I wish all Buffistas a peaceful and happy New Year.
Grr. I ordered (part) of my SS gift on ebay, and it still isn't here. Hmph. I just emailed the person to say "have you shipped this yet??". Since I paypal'd for it immediately.
Goodbye, 2004. Thank you for the good. Please take the bad with you, when you leave.
Happy New Year, Buffistas.
So I checked the mail and I got my sekrit Santa pressie!
Jon B. sent me the coolest little handmade stuffed critter from this place. I think it's a cat, and it's just... neat.
Plus, he wrapped it in Scooby Do paper, and he made sure to match the wrapping paper! Such talent!
Thank you Jon!
It wasn't a present, I actually bought it on half.com for an insanely low price, but it arrived with amazing swiftness today, and now I have my very own copy of "Telling Lies for Fun and Profit", and I can stop borrowing the library's copy and paying fines when I "forget" to give it back. Happy New Year's Eve to me.
2004 has brought more good things in the closing days. I got a raise when I was hired on as a company temp.
And (even better) my brother proposed to his GF last night and she said yes! I like her a lot and was hoping they'd get engaged...although I didn't think it would happen so soon.
Askye, I don't know if I mentioned it earlier, but I got your card. THANK YOU! IT WAS WONDERFUL!
YAY !! I'm glad you liked it!
Xposted with my LJ:
The Good: Her name is Annabel Charlotte. She is beautiful and clever and mellow, and I don't know what two people as difficult as we are did to deserve such an easy baby. I'm looking forward to watching her continue to grow and change as the years pass.
Other than that one very big and life-changing thing--well. It was a year.
The Bad: The election. Republican triumphalism. Iraq. Still not feeling confidence that our civil liberties will last, especially all the lovely ones in the First Amendment. Does anyone else feel like they've been stuck in the Star Trek mirrorverse for a good four years now?
The Difficult: This time a year ago I was an arrogant little aspiring writer. I'd had my first magazine article published on my very first query. I'd finished a novel and was getting the kind of positively worded rejections from editors and agents that make you feel like a sale is just around the corner. I was confident in my own brilliance. I fully believed that 12/31/04 would see me with at least a dozen magazine and newspaper sales to my credit, and that I'd be at least agented, if not actually contracted, as a novelist. Oh, and I was going to finish my second novel.
In 2004 reality hit me in the face, repeatedly and with sharp, punishing blows. Freelancing while at home with a new baby turned out to be harder than I thought. I made some money on various freelance projects, though not anywhere near what I so confidently hoped. My income for the whole year was what I'd hoped to be making each month by the fall. I didn't send out as many magazine queries as I meant to, but the ones I sent out all got rejected.
OK, that's a slight exaggeration. Two articles are still under consideration for an annual publication that won't make its decisions for the next issue until March. And I sold a devotional piece on a query I sent out in 2003, but it'll be in the March 2005 issue. IOW, nothing came out under my byline in all of 2004.
And then there's the novels. Reluctantly I accepted that my first novel is fundamentally flawed. My prose may be elegant, my dialogue precise and significant, and my characters real and lovable, but the conflict is just too slight to carry a 100,000-word novel. And even a fairly extensive rewrite wasn't enough to fix it.
Between the baby and the extensive rewrite of Novel #1, I didn't manage to finish Novel #2. Not even close. That's now my biggest goal for 2005.
Later tonight or tomorrow I'll post goals and resolutions. For now, a toast:
To 2005. May it be a better year.