Um, actually, both of you did. I think I need to stop while I'm ahead (or behind).
Mal ,'War Stories'
Goodbye and Good Riddance 2004: Well, I Wasn't Expecting That.
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Oh, and 2004? Don't think we've forgotten about you.
Um, actually, both of you did.
Hee! I was just checking -- no need to worry.
Am I the only person to not be gifted with one of Sail's cards?
No. At least, so far.
You may all anticipate my future posts to be peppered with Weird and Wonderful Words thanks to my secret santa, erinaceous! Along with my new-found logopandocie, I now have a notepad graced with a robot in the corner (so I can make note of all these words) and a lovely little pocket-sized, leather-bound, hand-made paper notebook (for keeping track of said words while on the move).
Thank you, erinaceous!! I've had that book on my Amazon wish list for ages. And now I have an autographed copy. Woo-hoo!
deb, I know yours got mailed yesterday morning on the way to work. Lysana, unless I got your address wrong, it should be there shortly. Yours was sent out in the batch before deb's, and Lee, Lexine and JohnSweden got theirs today and yours was in the same batch as theirs.
t /Literalist who takes things way too seriously.
- wink*
Lysana, unless I got your address wrong, it should be there shortly.
I knew hedging mine with "at least so far" was the appropriate reaction. Thanks, Sail! I don't remember which addy you'd have gotten from Deena, so if I don't squee tomorrow, it may not be until after New Year's if it was my work addy.
It was a PO Box number, if that tells you anything.
Eh. Don't mind me. I'm just being cranky and tired and old.
But I have wrapped Nic's and Marta's presents. I suppose that's something.
I'm just being cranky and tired and old
Never, deb. Snarky and suffering from ennui, perhaps. Well-seasoned, not old. But never any of those nasty words you used. Ugh, you're a writer, you should know better.
No, really. Tired and old. But actually not cranky. Mood's way weirder than that.
I wrapped all Mart's presents in red, and all Nic's in gold. I'll stick bows on them Saturday morning. Next week, I'm going into a baking frenzy.