Huh. I seem to have wandered into Natter.
Or possibly F2F.
Every year we watch the Charlie Brown special, do the Snoopy dance, wish everybody a Merry Christmukkah, and thank our Secret Santas in the good riddance thread. Which is this one, in case you were wondering. Oh, and 2004? Don't think we've forgotten about you.
Huh. I seem to have wandered into Natter.
Or possibly F2F.
A couple of overdue squee's for lovely cards from Sail and Bev that came yesterday. Thank you!! Must plan numerous road trips in 2005!
Also, today I came home to a box and I'm assuming that it's from my sekrit santa. LEE! You lovely, lovely woman!
I now have all the fabulous fixings for a complete spa day at home: Oodles of bath stuff and a massage bar from Lush. Practically every type of chocolate mint candy that exists. Gourmet chocolate mint cookies. Cool plastic glasses (so I can drink and bathe AT THE SAME TIME!), AND a Nightmare Before Christmas towel/washcloth set!!!!
Those of you that read lj already know that I've requested Lee's hand in marriage. In fact, I'm down on bended knee (while eating a chocolate mint cookie) and hoping she accepts my proposal.
I also got gorgeous cards from people, and they've arrived in the first year ever that I am not sending a single holiday card made of a dead tree, period. Not an ecological statement - my head just tries to explode when I try and keep track.
But I will be sending out packages of baked things, most likely after Christmas so as to have them have a shot in hell of actually getting there while still fresh, to quite a few people. In fact, if you live elsewhere and I have your address, there's a distinct possibility of you receiving food.
Of course, if you think I don't have your meatspace address and want food, y'all had better ping me with it.
Oops! I've been informed by the lovely Lee that she's not my sekrit santa. Many, many apologies to my actual sekrit santa!
Which means Lee is just all around awesome and I still have a sekrit santa gift coming.
How cool is that?
You've got dibs.
I rule!
erika, lexine will be in your neck of the woods for A's spring training. I'll testify to the loveliness that is your city in spring. It's a fabulous place to vacation then.
Oops. Premature post.
What? It happens to everyone.
My slacker secret santa (SSS) gift is in the mail! It should be arriving Tuesday and is specifically tuned to my Santee's loves (thanks to Deena!).
However, I learned some things today doing this little project. I thought I would share.
These are in chronological order:
1. I can make my own gift baskets with doodads and pretties! It's fun!
2. Shrink wrap can be almost as addictive as bubble wrap, especially since it requires
to use.
3. Shrink wrap by the roll, however, is not quite wide enough to gather at the top.
4. It really bugs me when I can't gather shrink wrap at the top.
5. Shrink wrap specifically made for baskets is great and really fits!
6. ...however, it also tends to tear open at the seams.
7. Trying to "patch" a shrink wrap gap with another piece of shrink wrap seems like a brilliant idea, but isn't.
8. No matter how long you hover a hairdryer over those two seperate edges, the shrink wrap will not melt together; instead, it will shrink like a penis in a pool, leaving two jagged plastic edges that flap away from the side of the basket, tauntingly.
9. One cannot melt the shrink wrap
the basket, either.
10. Screaming, "SHRINK TOGETHER, YOU BASTARD!" does not, in fact, help.
11. Michael's Crafts is open until 10PM during the holiday season.
12. It may be best for perfectionists to stay away from shrink wrap unless they've taken their meds.
And to all a good night.
Kristin cracks me up, she does. Hee.
I got a card from SailAweigh! I'm getting Christmas cards and packages from people whose voices I've never heard, much less met in real life. I adore this.