Now that I have a newer car I can start planning some road trips --- I know there's Laura and Ginger within driving distance... I'll have to see who else.
Of course anyone who wants to come see me in N FL is more than welcome.
Finally -- my Seekrit Santa present probably won't go out until Monday because I'm a great big slacker.
2004 started out miserably for me. I spent most of the winter in the worst depression I'd had in quite some time.
Then things started looking up. I got a permanent transfer to a division that suits me far better than litigation did. So while I won't say I love my job, I do like it.
Home life has settled down. For the first time in several years, we aren't saving up to move. Or dealing with a move.
Lovely, lovely Caribbean vacation. A whole new part of the world to discover (and I saw a capybara at the St. Maarten Zoo!). And it's warm and sunny in December!
On the downside, there's the political situation. Pfui! let us speak no more of it.
But overall, I'd say it was the best year I've had in a while.
So do a lot of people, apparently.
I rule the world now. I assume that's okay with everyone?
Fine by me. I should come visit you, huh? Maybe after you stop jet-setting to LONDON...
Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids...
Huh. I didn't remember that you were in GR. My brain is a sieve. I live about an hour south of you.
Where at? Got any plans for New Years?
I live about an hour south of you.
Around Kalamazoo?
Yeah, beathen, I live thereabouts.
Brenda, I will be in Michigan sometime in January, probably, as I promised P-C that he had the top spot on my road-trip-visiting list. I believe that he's in Ann Arbor, but, you know, once I'm driving up there (ie-already traversing the full length of Indiana), I might as well make a few stops.
No one comes to Utah. Not that I blame them.
Connie, you forgot to close your Eeyore tag.
Connie, you forgot to close your Eeyore tag.
No, no, that's all right. Just close it for me. I understand.