If Eddie Izzard shows up, I'm licking him. That's all there is to it. First I shall lick him and then feed him. It's a protocol.
Fay, if you'd rather pass on the baseball, there will be right around 38 people wandering in and out the garden at Chez Grabien on Sunday. And several of them will be here from the get-go, including Parker and AmyLiz (I think) and Bev and (I believe) Raq and....
serial because it's gone one ack emma and I want my damned meds now....
Also, forgot to say, am also planning a bowl or three of of fagioli e tonno (just waiting for someone to come and and snarl at my piss-poor Italian middle of the night grammar/spelling, but I'm asleep on my feet, sorry sorry): anyway, little white lovely beans tossed with herbs, albacore tuna, olive oil, lemon juice and a light shaving of reggiano.
And I'd thought about hauling the all-clad slow cooker up there, for a homemade vat of soup, but probably not, probably not...
Sorely tempted to....? (edit: ah - BBQ/baseball. Got it. I was linking it up to the fagioli.
See, I love baseball. And the Giants are my team.
But the game next Sunday is in Oakland, so there's travel time factors involved, including the biggie: Bay Bridge traffic into SF on game day, especially when said game day happens to be a Sunday, is like treacle. Very very very OLD treacle.
Crikey, I'm tired. Half past one in the morning.
...oh dear. I think I may end up going with barbecue rather than baseball.
Please don't hate me if I do, baseball loving people.
From way back...
I get to screw the pilot???! This is gonna be one F2F to remember!
Yep - you'll be taking the Mile High Club to a whole nother level.
Oh, yeah!
Edit: Wonder if it'll be that cutie pilot I met last summer...
Please don't hate me if I do, baseball loving people.
::reschedules Fay's salon visit with the gaggle of scabby street punks on Haight Street::
You flibbertijibbet.
Wait a minute...Why isn't Raq going to the A's game?
Just a baseball note - I'm planning on BARTing over to the game. Much easier than dealing with bridge traffic.