That wasn't the only thing you turned on by backing out of a closet, ND!
I'm sure any number of people were happy to see him finally out of the closet.
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: San Francisco, May 19-21, 2006! Everything else, go here! Swag!
That wasn't the only thing you turned on by backing out of a closet, ND!
I'm sure any number of people were happy to see him finally out of the closet.
t bounces, snogs, and is generally gleeful
I'm sure any number of people were happy to see him finally out of the closet.
t refrains from bouncing, is writing lines
t bounces on the inside
Very excited, Fay!!! "lines" makes this crime junkie wonder what the hell cocaine has to do with anything, and that it would be the wrong high for our favorite Gothy Goddess and...oh, you meant "copying". Right.
loves everybody
kisses Kristin
goes back to writing lines and trying to look meek. worries about the ink smudges on her thumb. is conscious that one sock is starting to fall down. hopes that there will be treacle sponge with custard for dinner. doodles bats in the margin. gulps nervously as wandering attention is returned to the paper by an ominously cleared throat nearby. writes lines with gusto.
loves everyone some more
Fay! I get to meet Fay! and Erika! and Pete&Jilli! and all the Buffistas I haven't met yet! and get to see the ones I HAVE met!
Why isn't it May yet?
goes back to writing lines and trying to look meek. worries about the ink smudges on her thumb. is conscious that one sock is starting to fall down. hopes that there will be treacle sponge with custard for dinner. doodles bats in the margin. gulps nervously as wandering attention is returned to the paper by an ominously cleared throat nearby. writes lines with gusto.
::stands behind Fay impatiently slapping a leather gauntlet into his hand. Puts a fancy fountain pen and pretty bottle of ink on her table::
Fancy fountain pen! Pretty bottle of ink! Yay!
...leather gauntlet?
gulps. writes faster. very neatly. indeed.
checks bakery for availability of treacle sponge (even though it sounds terrible to my American tastes)
gulps. writes faster. very neatly. indeed.
...and dreams of being the Dread Pirate Clovis.
And now it's crossover fic!
Anyway, probably not too wise to go associating me with Snape. For one, I'm really not all that stern (okay a friend did accuse me of trying to 'top' the whole planet - once). However, more importantly, I'm still hoping to do the Pooh reading at F2F and I don't think Pooh and Snape are two streams you should cross.