I don't shake hands, either. If you feel must hug me, hug me - I'll probably respond, albeit I'm way more of an impulsive tilt of the head and lean on other person's shoulder for a moment type.
I just - take touching seriously, is all. So it doesn't tend to be random.
re: compulsive hugging. I'm with deb on this one:
I just don't. It's a character flaw.
I'll hug back if someone hugs me, but it always seems really awkward to me for some reason.
I love hugging, but I'm hideously shy and tend to assume that other people do not want to be hugged, so I'm always very relieved when compulsive huggers pounce first.
re: compulsive hugging. I'm with deb on this one:
fine, then I will shimmy with joy. then everyone gets to enjoy my happiness
fine, then I will shimmy with joy. then everyone gets to enjoy my happiness
Vortex just sent me to a happy place....
Otherwise you'll have a 2 hour wait before we get there and Seattle's airport is a boring place to be for 2 hours.
Or, you know, Other People could kidnap and entertain her for a few hours.
I'ma pounce-kiss you again.
Standing. Right. Exactly. Here.
Double yay!
In P-C's case, I suspect the soft comfy busom may make up for the hug.
Everyone needs a bosom for a pillow.
Crap. Gonna miss Fay while she's in town. Bum. Mer.
Everyone needs a bosom for a pillow.
This might need to be a tagline.
...which reminds me - is there going to be a SingAlongaOnceMoreWithFeeling? I know some folks hate that kind of thing, and respect that stance, but it really does float my boat.
Please! It floats my boat too.
I am a compulsive hugger - Deb can attest to that. So I apologize in advance for the hugging, but I am going to be so fucking GIDDY that I won't be able to help myself.
I'm in the compulsive hugger group. Be forewarned.