You might give SoCal a try. IJS.
I have "family" in San Jose (old close friends of the family, people who were at my parents' wedding), thus the northern-ish tilt, but I really enjoyed LA when I was there briefly in 2002, and want to get back sometime, but you know how it is, time, money, family obligations.
Scotland, Schmatland.
Bet they don't have too much candy in Scotland.
Did anyone else's mind just go to an unfortunate "too much haggis" place?
Yeah, mine did. I am immensely unhappy about it.
Bet they don't have too much candy in Scotland.
Owie. That hurt. I don't see any neck nibbling in my immediate future at all. ::sobs::
I could try the "too much haggis" thing when I'm over there, but there really is no such thing as too much haggis.
There is when you're trying to get it from a guy in a skirt.
There is when you're trying to get it from a guy in a skirt.
Or when you're trying to nibble it off Mary, Queen of Scots' neck...
Or when you're trying to nibble it off Mary, Queen of Scots' neck...
See, there is such a thing as Too Much Goiter, but I think Aimee already made that mental leap.
Uh, topicky ... go to SF them as can! Not sure when I can get back to CA. Maybe a winter trip so I can cheer the localistas by revelling in what they consider to be crappy weather, but is 60 degrees warmer than what I left behind.