So not a new tat, just expanding an existing one.
Technically I *am* getting a new one but it's to cover up one that I got when I was 18.
Toddson, have you tried browsing any websites? I recently started looking at tattoofinder dot com again for ideas. You could easily get a shoulder, lower back or hip tattoo that people won't be able to see when you have your clothes on. (I think the rule is that fleshier area = less pain, but don't hold me to that.)
Well, since all I have at this point is fleshier areas, my (very low) pain threshold shouldn't cause problems.
Thanks for the advice.
maybe I need to leave DC. Get my hair colored, get a tattoo or two, expand my wardrobe beyond black
Hee. Well, I've done 3 out of 4...
(I think the rule is that fleshier area = less pain, but don't hold me to that.)
Yep -- basically, anywhere where there's bone close to the skin is going to be more painful, because there's not as much flesh to absorb the vibrations from the needle. (Though to be honest, neither of my tats really hurt when I got them. And the second one didn't even itch that much, since it was just lines.)
Since Perkins is calling me a tattoo pimp
DID NOT. Never got that specific.
DC is very, very conservative
The best Foreign Service intern we ever worked with was at Main State in DC. She was brilliant, and responsible, and wrote really well...and I couldn't believe how many people could not see those qualities because they were looking at her tattoos.
Grr Argh.
Ah. I'm not so much a tattoo pimp as I am just a PIMP. I got it now.
I'ma have to buy me a new hat and a velvet coat, then.
We can probably help with the shopping, Nicole.
Don't forget the gold tooth though.
Much as I adore the aquarium, I'm almost certainly passing; it's going to be a long two weeks leading up to it, and Monterey is a very long drive back and forth. Plus, all the walking around, add together, end result is almost certainly a massive MS exacerbation. So I'll probably pass.
If it looks physically happier by then, I can always come along and just pay full whack at the door.
I emailed Lilibeth about the open bar:
Hi Lilibeth!
We have a combined $1500 minimum to meet for Prom food and bar. The consensus I've been given is that we do an open bar.
How would that work? Right now, we're looking at about $800 or so in food, $700 toward drink, and possibly more. Would we prepay that, or would your bartender keep the tab on it, and we would make up any difference?
And she wrote back:
Let's do a prepay at least the minimum of $1,000, then have the bartender keep the tab after that. We are going to have a credit card on file anyway. What ya think?
Does this work? It would simply be a matter of refunding the difference, if I'm reading this right.