I just realized that K-Bug has her last softball game of the JV season on Friday, the 19th. It is the "big cross-town rivalry game" played at the school on the other side of the island.
If anyone wants to come and cheer her on, you would be more than welcome. I am off work on Friday, but will need to be over at the field for the game. I can give rides to anyone interested. The game starts at 4pm, and goes for less than 2 hours usually.
looks like an opportunity to really embarass the crap out of petite-Buffistas
If we're there, I'm there! We can all wear our t-shirts and have huge obnoxious signs like "STAKE 'EM K-BUG!!!" "BITE OUR ASS" and "PORN!"
We can all wear our t-shirts and have huge obnoxious signs like "STAKE 'EM K-BUG!!!" "BITE OUR ASS" and "PORN!"
This is so why we can't have nice things.
...I would really enjoy reading The Wolves in the Walls. If anyone were interested in listening. Because I am a Primary Teacher for a reason, yo. Also, my English accent is quite convincing.
Yes, this. I just called downstairs and told Jilli and she squealed so I guess she wants to see the reading too.
The Pooh reading could be an ensemble event with people picked out for certain characters. I get Eeyore, no contest.
...I would really enjoy reading The Wolves in the Walls. If anyone were interested in listening.
The Pooh reading could be an ensemble event with people picked out for certain characters. I get Eeyore, no contest.
bouncing up and down with antici.... pation
...I would really enjoy reading The Wolves in the Walls. If anyone were interested in listening.
This alone would be worth the trip.
Whee! I was able to get Friday the 19th off! I'm going to plan to fly in the night before, Thursday the 18th.
t does dance of joy
I'm drowning in pre-homeowner paperwork, trying to keep things functional, clean the apartment, get the closing moved up, schedule a time for the landlord to walk through the apartment, and not walk on my stupid toe.
Well, get some rest. I you haven't got your health, you haven't got anything.
I want to hear Fay read Wolves in the Walls! And Pete read Pooh! Nownownow! I don't want to wait til May! May is too far awayyyyy!
I've done some VO work, Mr. Pete, sir. I'd be pleased to read a character for you, if you'd like.
I think I need to bring recording gear and get all this recorded. We could release the Buffista children's CD.
Drew, only if someone wants to read Coraline.
Can I put in a last request for people to RSVP about Saturday night and juliana's mom? Please? If you got an email and haven't responded, please to let me know, even if you can't make it? I have to go grocery shopping and it sucks not knowing how much.
And we're getting Cass! WOOT!