Drew, only if someone wants to read Coraline.
Can I put in a last request for people to RSVP about Saturday night and juliana's mom? Please? If you got an email and haven't responded, please to let me know, even if you can't make it? I have to go grocery shopping and it sucks not knowing how much.
And we're getting Cass! WOOT!
Would someone please give juliana's mom an extra squeeze from me - just tell her another one of juliana's invisible internet friends thanks her for having such a wonderful child.
I'll be there, likely solo.
So, do we have a schedule for festivities? Because I should talk to Laura about when/if we're gonna do this vid show/Scooby Road viewing.
JZ, there will be salmon in puff pastry with veggies for you and my other pescatarian guest. And two kinds of dessert, because I was planning on a savarin and Cass loves the chocolate cherry, so I'm-a do both.
'suela, did I email you about Saturday night? Because if you can deal with a suckmonstered house (I have a Dyson! Robbie the Robot Suckmonster! Destroyer of Cat Fur!), and are free, please to come and eat and hang out.
Deb, I think it will be both me and my DH.
I wanna be in San Francisco NOW.
OK, so, we're going to get SNOW. On frickin' TWIN PEAKS. In SAN FRANCISCO.
What in hell is wrong with that picture....?
But Saturday night there will be a North African lamb recipe in puff pastry, a salmon and veggie thing ditto, a bigass salad, some kind of chicken with a mess of garlic and peppers in it, bread, cheese, and two desserts. Plus all sorts of things to drink.
And I'd best get off my chilly bum and go finish the rest of the food shopping, on foot, because tomorrow? There will be SNOW. On - wait, see above, already had my jaw-drop moment.
If I haven't mentioned it lately? Deb rocks. FYI.
Thank you, Deb.
No point thanking me for doing what it gets me off to do, bebe. I love to cook and I'm a social animal. Only fear is that, between age and MS, I'm going to run the hell out steam before I'm eighty. That would genuinely suck.
I have champagne, and just dragged back two bottles of prosecco, and Lee is bringing some with her. Also will get peach nectar.
Back out into the wind. Excelsibloodyior!
edit: and speaking of which, is that tagline of yours, Kristin's quote, a comment from last weekend? Because, four redheads all cackling, sounds Calistoga-ish to me.