Damned right. Vortex will be here, with the cooking and the hanging out and the prosecco and the glayvin and stuff.
And I adore your tagline. My own mental take is a quote from Aliens: "I say we take off and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."
Checks are fine. Ping me at my email, and I'll reply with my mailing address. Thanks!
Will people be around to play during weekdays? Or, lunches?
Yes! Yay!
AHA! I have made my hotel reservations. At the Hilton on the company dime till Friday, and at the Holiday Inn Friday through Monday. Spoke to a lovely woman named Carrie, no problems, non-smoking king bed room for $99 plus tax.
(stabby stabby SD heheheheheh...)
Just booked our room for 2 nights, 19-21. We are still unsure as to how long we'll actually be there or even HOW we're getting up there. As we get closer we'll know more. We might need a bed for the 3 of us maybe Thursday night and Sunday night, but maybe not. We'll see.
60 room nights, spread out over four nights
Just to clarify this -- if I stay in the hotel for 4 nights, that counts as 4 "room nights"?
how many room nights do we have booked, at last count? (and when was the last count?)
if I stay in the hotel for 4 nights, that counts as 4 "room nights"?
Yep - that's my understanding. The breakdown of the requirement is as follows:
Day Thu Fr Sat Sun
Date 5/18/06 5/19/06 5/20/06 5/21/06
Guestrooms 10 25 25 5
That works out to 65 rooms as the basic block-booking. We have to meet 60 of those to keep the rate. So, one room for four nights counts as four of the 65.
edit: Nora, don't know yet. That's one of the things I'll find out when I sit down with the hotel people.
That's one of the things I'll find out when I sit down with the hotel people.
OK, cool. Thanks, again, for doing all this stuff!