smonster, sweetie, my tongue was so deep into my cheek on that comment, I'm surprised you didn't hear enamel scraping off my teeth.
Seriously. You were so sick last year, I'd be highly suspicious of a coherent memory of that last two days, much less a happy one.
Strep throat is EVIL. And yep - I am with you on the Sparky love.
But repeating question: any pre-dinner stuff planned?
any pre-dinner stuff planned?
Nothing concrete - drinks somewhere, I'm assuming. Vesuvio's?
I can do Vesuvios. I'm going to have to hook up with maidengurl after dinner, for handing over of Hoover upright suckmonster machine. Here's hoping the weather has eased up by then. Stupid rain.
Shall we say Vesuvios, at - what time works? I have a neurology appointment, but it's early in the day and I'm probably passing on a massage this week, due to cash flow (that is, it's either tip the masseuse or eat dinner, but not both this week) issues.
Hey Chicago 'istas. Anyone wanna go see a big giant Lori this weekend? Roving Mars is playing at Navy Pier starting Friday.
I'd be clearing my throat politely, and remembering strep throat.....
Deb, you should get the crown for that.
What time Vesuvio's? I have Deb's cell phone #, so I can call that to let people know if we're headed there or to the Helmand (if the schedule goes haywire).
Sparky, you have the current cell, yes? the one that ends in '97?'
edit: whoops. Make that ends in "17". Bev, you were right.
I do have the new one, so it's all good.
how far out is the Oakland airport, if one were to fly there for the F2F?
Nora, there's a shuttle from Oakland airport straight to BART. And the Civic Center joint BART/MUNI station is exactly half a block north of the hotel.
how far out is the Oakland airport, if one were to fly there for the F2F?
It's easy access from the Oakland airport to SF proper. Just hop on a BART train and bingo marzipan! You're there.