listening to 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' with the profound satisfaction of someone who's wanted this soundtrack for YEARS, when are y'all going to Vegas?
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: San Francisco, May 19-21, 2006! Everything else, go here! Swag!
listening to 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' with the profound satisfaction of someone who's wanted this soundtrack for YEARS, when are y'all going to Vegas?
FAY! If you go to Vegas, I'm going. (It's next New Year's Eve, btw.)
Actually, I talked to Dave last night, and he'll be back at work next New Year' I might actually be able to go myself!
Way too far away to commit to. One vacation at a time.
Speaking of, my plane tickets are bought. I will be traveling up and down the Cali coast as before--coming in late the night of 4/15 to LA, playing with LA-istas on the 16th (which happens to be a certain LAista's birthday, I believe), heading down to Cass's in San Diego the afternoon of the 17th, staying there until around the 19th...then hopping a little SW flight up to San Francisco that afternoon, hanging out at Deb's with the San Francisco-istas until the 21st, then either driving or flying back down to LA for a couple more days. I may visit some non-Buffista (gasp! the horror!) friends at the end of the trip, the 22nd-23rd. I fly home early on the 24th.
I shouldn't be this excited. It's not even New Year's. Still, woot!
Oooooooh! Now THAT would be fun. And I have holiday time then...
Fay, did you get my email?
I am channeling Rio.
But it's important.
I'm still working on convincing her to come to New Orleans...
Oooh, no, don't think so. Hang on.
skips off, humming 'Kidnap the Sandy Claws'...
Dave last night said he's really really happy I've found such a great group that helps appease my desire to GOSOMEWHERERIGHTNOWBEFOREIGOINSANE. It is possible that he knows me pretty well. And is sick of me trying to convince him to travel with me.
I want that soundtrack, Fay. Mean.
I've wanted for yearsandyearsandyears, and this afternoon, while blindly staggering through shops, laden down with stuff I probably don't need, feeling grumpy at the dearth of Buffy or Angel DVDs (or indeed Smallville DVDs within my price range) I suddenly saw the soundtrack! Sitting there! Flaunting itself! And now it is mine! And so is the DVD!
God, I have such a mighty love-on for Elfman's Jack. Bless. Blessity Bless.
I've had the Nightmare sdtrk for yonks, 'cuz it's good for (a) xmas mixes (b) Halloween mixes and (c) "Sally's Song" is good for odd torch song mixes.