Hell, I'm planning to anyway.
That's my babygirl! But if it's Seattle or Vegas or somewhere else, we get to just eat and not worry about it. Heh. Win-win! I seriously can't lose: if it's here, I get to sleep in my own bed every night and do the SF stuff I love to do, and if it's elsewhere, I get to be decadent and relax.
I have, from my initial post, been proposing a "Hell, yes/Sure/No" ballot, which would be helpful in getting initial numbers. I think, if we do a ranking instead
Oops. I've conflated concepts in my mind. I still like the idea of a can/maybe/can't poll, and I still think that should happen for the cities. Maybe for dates, too? I don't know. I didn't think ranking would be an instead thing. (Mind, I have no idea how to make it all hang together in a way that makes sense on a poll. So not helpful.)
I think that dates will be easier to choose than cities. Let's do a date poll, with two options -- "vote for your favorite date (with an option of 'any of them') " and one that's "list any date that you CAN'T come" Between those two, I think we'll have enough info for a date.
Oops. I've conflated concepts in my mind. I still like the idea of a can/maybe/can't poll, and I still think that should happen for the cities. Maybe for dates, too?
I'd like to go ahead and do this, for both cities and dates, and worry about whether we need run-offs, etc., afterwards. I.e., let's see what the data tell us, and then work from there.
I know we wanted to do dates pretty quickly, so maybe Debet or someone else can set up a MisterPoll soon and let it run over the weekend? (With the holiday, I guess we'd better keep it available until Tuesday - maybe even Wednesday?)
I'd like to go ahead and do this, for both cities and dates, and worry about whether we need run-offs, etc., afterwards. I.e., let's see what the data tell us, and then work from there.
That sounds groovy. I just wanted to mention the run-off possibility as early as possible.
The plan was next weekend, what with the 4th on Monday.
Total tanget comment, but....
I think the song has to be more than 7years old for it to be "old school"
Isn't that song over seven years old? I'm pretty sure it is.
Assuming Kristin meant to post over here, it's looking like a walking-distace/few blocks mandate, I think, Deb, so, that should help narrow the looking.
Did I post in the wrong place for something?
ETA: I COMM'd Matt because I thought that was so funny, though I do agree wholeheartedly that the Prom needs to be walking distance, if not in the same hotel.