I'd like to go ahead and do this, for both cities and dates, and worry about whether we need run-offs, etc., afterwards. I.e., let's see what the data tell us, and then work from there.
That sounds groovy. I just wanted to mention the run-off possibility as early as possible.
The plan was next weekend, what with the 4th on Monday.
Total tanget comment, but....
I think the song has to be more than 7years old for it to be "old school"
Isn't that song over seven years old? I'm pretty sure it is.
Assuming Kristin meant to post over here, it's looking like a walking-distace/few blocks mandate, I think, Deb, so, that should help narrow the looking.
Did I post in the wrong place for something?
ETA: I COMM'd Matt because I thought that was so funny, though I do agree wholeheartedly that the Prom needs to be walking distance, if not in the same hotel.
Your COMM post looked like it was meant to be in here.
Nope, I was quoting Matt. I edited in COMM to be clearer.
Isn't that song over seven years old? I'm pretty sure it is.
I thought it came out on Hello Nasty, which is 1998.
I thought it came out on Hello Nasty, which is 1998.
Nope, you're right. I was thinking it was on Ill Communication for some reason. Cripes, the memory's already starting to go....