Ethan Rayne ,'Potential'
F2F 3: Who's Bringing the Guacamole?
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: San Francisco, May 19-21, 2006! Everything else, go here! Swag!
Buffistas are playing trivia in Brooklyn. Scola and I are both posting from the bar. Geek. Heaven.
I'm reading fropm the bar, not posting from the bar is way too geeky.
This is the location. Trivia should start around 9, so I say we start trickling in around 8 and we can have some time to hang out before we kick some trivia ass. Come one, come all!
but can you beat the prize for best name? huh? or THIRD place!!
I had to leave before the scores were announced, and nobody else who was there has checked in yet. I'm guessing there was further debauchery after I left...
I'm guessing there was further debauchery after I left...
"If I let go of a hammer on a planet having a positive gravity, I need not see it fall to know that it has, in fact, fallen."
So, we should be looking for ND under the table, then?
I stayed until the scores were announced -- sadly, there were teams in this bar smarter than (or sober-er than) we Buffistas, and thus none of us won, or even placed. (Though we remain convinced that this happened ONLY because our powers were divided. The combined brains of nine Buffistas* working together surely would have been unbeatable.)
*technically, 8 Buffistas and ND's friend Dave. But Dave is clearly a Buffista spirit baby, and we accepted him as one of our own.
DH and I left around 11 because we both had work today (and see how busy I am? I barely have time to post...oh wait), but ND, Dave, Hil, Trudy, Megan Walker, and Kristin were all still going strong.
A huge thank you to the nyistas for including me in the festivities yesterday (and to Trudy for putting me up again)--I had more fun than it should be legal to have. Ever. Also, finally meeting Megan Walker (who is fabulous beyond words) and ND's friend Dave (who is definitely a Buffista spirit) was most excellent.
But...and I am ashamed to even admit this...I missed TWO LITERATURE QUESTIONS. I am so lame. SO LAME. I blame the red wine.
I rolled out of bed fairly early to catch a train back home this morning and am now snuggly back in front of a fire with DH, who is safely back from Iraq after the USO show.
Thank you everyone!
ETA: Oh, and I forgot to add my own little Christmas miracle to this--the reason I got to go down in the first place is that we had a snow day yesterday! I was supposed to be working Monday and Wednesday, but now I only have to work tomorrow and then a week and a half of vacation. Woo hoo!
Best snow day evah.
Go snow days!